leather-io / extension

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Design System - Full page extension views #4371

Closed pete-watters closed 5 months ago

pete-watters commented 11 months ago

When working on https://github.com/leather-wallet/extension/issues/4165 it became apparent that more changes would be needed to support the new design.

It's desired that for most screens:


This task relates to #4370 and builds upon #4165

Add resource in designs

Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 17 35 20
pete-watters commented 11 months ago

@markmhendrickson : we had a call yesterday to clear up the scope of #4165 . We have split up the work into two issues #4370 and #4371

CC @mica000 @kyranjamie @fabric-8

pete-watters commented 10 months ago

This issue needs to also fix this: https://github.com/leather-wallet/extension/issues/4477

pete-watters commented 10 months ago

Related to issue https://github.com/leather-wallet/extension/issues/4477 this issue also needs to resolve https://github.com/leather-wallet/extension/issues/4549

When working on this we can also add our own custom scroll bars and fix the other issues listed in https://github.com/leather-wallet/extension/issues/3488

pete-watters commented 9 months ago

We had another report of issues with the account select list we need to solve here https://github.com/leather-wallet/extension/issues/4568

markmhendrickson commented 9 months ago

I presume the Ledger-specific modals will also be covered by this general update?


pete-watters commented 9 months ago

I presume the Ledger-specific modals will also be covered by this general update?


We will have to do it for all modals so they look OK in pop-up mode so we will include Ledger also.

In your screenshot, that's actually in pop-up mode, so I guess we should also include it there too

pete-watters commented 9 months ago

I've been working on this as part of this PR. In order to create containers, it first makes sense to fix this issue of modals / full page views

pete-watters commented 9 months ago

@markmhendrickson : I've opened a PR with this work done. I added a demo video you can see here

pete-watters commented 9 months ago

I've made some good progress with this but there are still some bugs I need to fix in the PR.

I'll fix those and then get to work creating re-usable headers / footers

pete-watters commented 9 months ago

Another fix to be included here is https://github.com/leather-wallet/extension/issues/4714

We had an external contributor open this PR which adds a workaround but the issue is more to do with the screen height not responding properly so I will take it into consideration for containers and fix it properly.

pete-watters commented 9 months ago

There's some changes to make to the onboarding screens that affect the headers so I will tackle those also and do everything together.

pete-watters commented 8 months ago

I'm still working on this but giving a progress update. This week I've:

Next up to move on with this is to:

Here's a demo video explaining a bit more:


mica000 commented 8 months ago

A MA ZING! Literally clapping over here. Also great demo! Thanks Pete!

About the Ledger hovering state - so it currently only happens when you hover the logo?

pete-watters commented 8 months ago

A MA ZING! Literally clapping over here. Also great demo! Thanks Pete!

About the Ledger hovering state - so it currently only happens when you hover the logo?

Thanks! My first attempt using Screen Studio. Thanks to Fab for the recommendation.

Yeah I found some code in the ledger dialogs that was showing this message but only on hover. I'm not sure if it's behaviour we still need. I'll find out when setting up the header there.

markmhendrickson commented 8 months ago

Nice work, @pete-watters! The demo is fantastic – thanks for pulling it together.

Also I do recommend we remove that Ledger-specific message: https://github.com/leather-wallet/extension/issues/4689

pete-watters commented 8 months ago

Nice work, @pete-watters! The demo is fantastic – thanks for pulling it together.

Also I do recommend we remove that Ledger-specific message: #4689

Thanks @markmhendrickson 🙇

I'll get rid of the Ledger message so. That simplifies things and will help make the headers more generic

pete-watters commented 7 months ago

I have been hard at work on this again this week but it will still take some more time to complete. I estimate one more week, maybe even two to have it well tested and reviewed. As I work on this I have been encountering and fixing technical debt issues along the way.

This week I:

The next work I need to do is to:

mica000 commented 7 months ago

Great to see it's coming along! the hark work will pay off tons in the future!

pete-watters commented 7 months ago

I added a progress update of last weeks work here

I am working on pop-out headers now and documenting the decisions I make here. Please let me know if I miss something or am mistaken.

Of the extension headers we have (screenshot here), I am organising into these types.

Dialog Headers

These are shown in dialogs / cards inside the APP

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 13 25 30

Popout Headers

These are shown in popout windows triggered by interactions

I checked the code and we have a few different types of these popouts for different reasons. We use different paths to signify their intention. The paths I found are, based on the Test APP are:

Some of these may be outdated or I may have missed some but this is a good start and I will apply the following headers for each. I have provided a screenshot of the old and new behaviour of these popouts. note: The new is WIP so not yet correct


Will use this new header: Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 13 30 30

Current OLD and NEW update-profile


Will use this header but with no action menu unless desired Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 13 31 31

Current OLD and NEW signature


Will use this header: Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 13 32 33

Current OLD and NEW psbt


Will use this header: Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 13 33 53

Current OLD and NEW transaction


Will have no header as per previous design, unless desired


Of the above, it's unclear to me if some of these should instead use these other headers:

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 13 35 52

@fabric-8 @mica000 @markmhendrickson: My plan is to implement as per detail above but if this is incorrect please let me know so I can make adjustments

fabric-8 commented 7 months ago

Thanks a lot for all the work and the super clear update @pete-watters ! Guess I'll be blocking out a day soon to fully test the update once it's ready 😅

pete-watters commented 7 months ago

I presume the Ledger-specific modals will also be covered by this general update?


I've been checking this @markmhendrickson and I have improved the dialog the ledger notifications show up in but I noticed a lot of them already have padding issues in production.

It might be prudent to fix those screens also but maybe in a subsequent PR once the main one is merged.

mica000 commented 6 months ago

Update Recipe of Dialog with BitTitle:

Designs for Receive Asset, Receive collectible, Choose asset to send

What we need:

1. Remove BigTitle from Recipe

This is the new recipe for the existing BitTitle Dialog (Maybe we want to call it smt else now that it wont have a BigTile? For now naming it EmptyDialoag;). As you can see the Action pop-up will have the header always present, but only showing the arrow back.


2. Add BigTitle Component to Content Containers

Steps that need this:

@pete-watters keeping the padding 24px;

image image Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 17 34 09 image

This is how they are build:


3. Add logic to show and hide close button

We need a logic that, when on Action Pop-up and on FullPages, hides the close button. when on EmptyDialog, shows close button.

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 17 42 09 Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 17 41 58 Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 17 41 48
pete-watters commented 6 months ago

Sounds good @mica000, thanks!

@markmhendrickson This type of thing is why I am pushing for written specs / graphs, something. We need to consider how user flows link together when creating designs. Not just for development, but so we have a clear plan of what we are doing.

This issue of inconsistent flows isn't new, it's actually how Leather already works so we could have planned for this change originally by deciding how we wanted it to work and avoided so much of this re-work and changes