leavez / cocoapods-binary

integrate pods in form of prebuilt frameworks conveniently, reducing compile time
MIT License
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Missing architectures #93

Open MIyulong opened 5 years ago

MIyulong commented 5 years ago
macnb9 commented 5 years ago

I'm working around the same issue right now. The problem is that the plugin intentionally doesn't build for i386 simulator architectures and only builds for x86_64 simulator architectures.

A function that's supposed to help fix this is set_custom_xcodebuild_options_for_prebuilt_frameworks, but I still haven't figured this out.

If I include set_custom_xcodebuild_options_for_prebuilt_frameworks :simulator => "ARCHS=$(ARCHS_STANDARD)" in my podfile, most dependencies will error out with sh: ARCHS_STANDARD: command not found.

If I try to manually specify simulator architectures with set_custom_xcodebuild_options_for_prebuilt_frameworks :simulator => "ARCHS=x86_64 i386", running pod install --verbose exits out early whenever it tries to compile the nanopb depencency library (which, normally, compiles just fine).

I'll update here if I figure out a solution to this.