lebaston100 / MIDItoOBS

(Pre obs-ws 5!!) A python script to use one or multiple midi input device(s) to control OBS-Studio functions without wasting keyboard hotkeys (including some sort of macro support) from anywhere in the network. "Waiting for a nativ implementation since 2017."
MIT License
187 stars 36 forks source link

Not Working Correctly With Qcon Pro G2 #56

Closed Tpsw242 closed 2 years ago

Tpsw242 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm having issues mapping the faders on my console. The script is running in a loop asking me to map as if the console was sending information continuously even if I don't touch anything

Thank you

lebaston100 commented 2 years ago

Can you post the full console output? It's certainly possible that all the messages are from different controls. Some midi controllers send their initial values on connect. Also with the Touch sensitive Faders there might be another seperate control for the touchevent. I'd just skip all the initial midi input until there are no more (in case it doesn't loop and is just the initial values) and then continue the setup as normal.

Tpsw242 commented 2 years ago

Thank's for your response !

The console output is below and yes it loops every time. When I switch to another fader, chanel and control do not change but value does

Please select the number of what you want to do:
1: Re-Setup the midi devices that are used.
2: Leave the selected midi devices as-is and just edit button/fader assignment
Select 1 or 2: 2

Please press key or move fader/knob on midi controller

Received message control_change channel=0 control=15 value=0 time=0
from device iCON QCON Pro G2 V1.11 0

Select input type:
0: Button
1: Fader/Knob
2: Ignore
Select 0-2: 1

Select Action:
0: SetVolume
1: SetSyncOffset
2: SetSourcePosition
3: SetSourceRotation
4: SetSourceScale
5: SetTransitionDuration
6: SetGainFilter
7: MoveTbar
8: Filter/Chroma Key - Contrast
9: Filter/Chroma Key - Brightness
10: Filter/Chroma Key - Gamma
11: Filter/Chroma Key - Opacity
12: Filter/Chroma Key - Spill Reduction
13: Filter/Chroma Key - Similarity
14: Filter/Luma Key - Luma Max
15: Filter/Luma Key - Luma Max Smooth
16: Filter/Luma Key - Luma Min
17: Filter/Luma Key - Luma Min Smooth
18: Filter/Color Correction - Saturation
19: Filter/Color Correction - Contrast
20: Filter/Color Correction - Brightness
21: Filter/Color Correction - Gamma
22: Filter/Color Correction - Hue Shift
23: Filter/Color Correction - Opacity
24: Filter/Color Key - Similarity
25: Filter/Color Key - Smoothness
26: Filter/Color Key - Brightness
27: Filter/Color Key - Contrast
28: Filter/Color Key - Gamma
29: Filter/Sharpen - Sharpness
30: Filter/Scroll - Horizontal Speed
31: Filter/Scroll - Vertical Speed
32: Filter/Video Delay (Async) - Delay
33: Filter/Render Delay - Delay
34: Filter/Generic Filter - Generic Setting
Select 0-34: 0

You selected: SetVolume

Updating scene list, plase wait
Scenes updated

Updating special sources, plase wait
Special sources updated
0: V7_SGL_Voeux_Agents.mp4
1: Capture d'écran
2: Audio du Bureau
Select 0-2: 2
Saved control_change with control 15 for action SetVolume on device 1 channel 0

Received message control_change channel=0 control=47 value=64 time=0
from device iCON QCON Pro G2 V1.11 0

Select input type:
0: Button
1: Fader/Knob
2: Ignore
Select 0-2: 1

Select Action:
0: SetVolume
1: SetSyncOffset
2: SetSourcePosition
3: SetSourceRotation
4: SetSourceScale
5: SetTransitionDuration
6: SetGainFilter
7: MoveTbar
8: Filter/Chroma Key - Contrast
9: Filter/Chroma Key - Brightness
10: Filter/Chroma Key - Gamma
11: Filter/Chroma Key - Opacity
12: Filter/Chroma Key - Spill Reduction
13: Filter/Chroma Key - Similarity
14: Filter/Luma Key - Luma Max
15: Filter/Luma Key - Luma Max Smooth
16: Filter/Luma Key - Luma Min
17: Filter/Luma Key - Luma Min Smooth
18: Filter/Color Correction - Saturation
19: Filter/Color Correction - Contrast
20: Filter/Color Correction - Brightness
21: Filter/Color Correction - Gamma
22: Filter/Color Correction - Hue Shift
23: Filter/Color Correction - Opacity
24: Filter/Color Key - Similarity
25: Filter/Color Key - Smoothness
26: Filter/Color Key - Brightness
27: Filter/Color Key - Contrast
28: Filter/Color Key - Gamma
29: Filter/Sharpen - Sharpness
30: Filter/Scroll - Horizontal Speed
31: Filter/Scroll - Vertical Speed
32: Filter/Video Delay (Async) - Delay
33: Filter/Render Delay - Delay
34: Filter/Generic Filter - Generic Setting
Select 0-34: 0

You selected: SetVolume

Updating scene list, plase wait
Scenes updated

Updating special sources, plase wait
Special sources updated
0: V7_SGL_Voeux_Agents.mp4
1: Capture d'écran
2: Audio du Bureau
Select 0-2: 2
Saved control_change with control 47 for action SetVolume on device 1 channel 0

Received message control_change channel=0 control=0 value=83 time=0
from device iCON QCON Pro G2 V1.11 0

Select input type:
0: Button
1: Fader/Knob
2: Ignore
Select 0-2:
lebaston100 commented 2 years ago

Is that all the output? These are all different controls (15, 47, 0) and i can't see any looping in there. The "value" doesn't really matter and is not looked at during the setup. Only this part is what makes the input unique "control_change channel=X control=X". I suggest you spam 2 a bunch of times (to select the Ignore option) until you don't get any new messages. If the controller is sending data all the time without doing anything physically it might be not as easy to setup. You can just setup the actions and then manually edit the msgNoC value to the control number of the fader you want. Or you might be able to reprogram how your controler behaves.

Tpsw242 commented 2 years ago

It's okay, it works now

The problem came from my control surface actually. I managed to change the configuration and now everything is fine.

Thank you very much for your help.

lebaston100 commented 2 years ago

Awesome, glad you got it working.