lebedev / tabcontrol

A Firefox extension to control tab operations.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Something prevents Tab Control to change any(?) of it's preferences under unknown conditions #10

Open slumbergod opened 9 years ago

slumbergod commented 9 years ago

The last few days I have noticed tabs have started opening to the right of others which is driving me crazy! I have removed Tabcontrol and added it back with the same behaviour. I have also tried removing TileTabs and trying without success. Do you have more any suggestions?

lebedev commented 9 years ago

Install Tab Control back, open Firefox Add-ons Manager and check these options of Tab Control: I guess you have Insert related tabs after current option disabled, enable it. Play with these options until you have acceptable tab behavior.

That happened because in 0.7.8 update I switched from custom implementation of opening tabs after current to Firefox native, and forgot to migrate option preferences, and it's kinda too late to do it now, so that option got reset, sorry.

slumbergod commented 9 years ago

Thanks. No change. I think my firefox profile is corrupted again. I seem to have to reset it a couple of times a year. I am sure that will restore the correct behaviour.

CHeers Dave

On 30 July 2015 at 19:20, Angly Cat notifications@github.com wrote:

Install Tab Control back, open Firefox add-ons page and check these options of Tab Control:

https://camo.githubusercontent.com/2cfbb993405967ea958371dd97cb746902465c5e/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f6d507a694e6e782e706e67 I guess you have Insert related tabs after current option disabled, enable it. Play with these options until you have acceptable tab behavior.

That happened because in 0.7.8 update I switched from custom implementation of opening tabs after current to Firefox native, and forgot to migrate option preferences, and it's kinda too late to do it now, so that option got reset, sorry.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/zeird/tabcontrol/issues/10#issuecomment-126207817.

David Scott, BSc BA Administration, myBJJ New Zealand http://www.mybjj.co.nz

lebedev commented 9 years ago

Before you reset your profile, do something for me. Open a blank tab, enter about:config, press the I'll be careful, I promise! button if needed. Enter browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent in a search input and verify that this option is enabled (i.e. it's value is true). Toggling Insert related tabs after current in the Tab Control's options actually toggles this option. If it's value is false, toggle it (using mouse button or context menu). If it's value is true and new tabs are still added to the end of the tab bar, it may be that Tab Control now (after I switch to a native Firefox option) is in a conflict with another add-on. Could you please try disabling all other add-ons (except Tab Control) and check if the issue is gone then? If this is the case, please try to detect which add-on causes conflict (by enabling them one by one, for example). That'll help me, and I'll fix a conflict or at least add a notice about the add-on conflicting with another.

slumbergod commented 9 years ago

Sure I will try that first thing in the morning. It's almost bedtime her in nz! On 30/07/2015 10:09 pm, "Angly Cat" notifications@github.com wrote:

Before you reset your profile, do something for me. Open a blank tab, enter about:config, press the I'll be careful, I promise! button if needed. Enter browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent in a search input and verify that this option is enabled (i.e. it's value is true).

https://camo.githubusercontent.com/3192e489575b0fc0bb79bfe39f157446d88b6067/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f4554674c376b362e706e67 Toggling Insert related tabs after current in the Tab Control's options actually toggles this option. If it's value is false, toggle it (using mouse button or context menu). It it's value is true and new tabs are still added to the end of the tab bar, it may be that Tab Control now (after I switch to a native Firefox option) is in a conflict with another add-on. Could you please try disabling all other add-ons (except Tab Control) and check if the issue is gone then? If this is the case, please try to detect which add-on causes conflict (by enabling them one by one, for example). That'll help me, and I'll fix a conflict or at least add a notice about the add-on conflicting with another.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/zeird/tabcontrol/issues/10#issuecomment-126259802.

insular23 commented 9 years ago

What I'm seeing with Options, the checkbox for "Insert Related Tabs after Currrent" does not stay checked.
It would be good to have new tabs inserted after current again! Thanks!

lebedev commented 9 years ago

@insular23, just to be sure: you did click "ok" button after toggling that checkbox?

I guess, I'll make an update with this and other settings migration after I figure out how to do it safely.

insular23 commented 8 years ago
Yes, I clicked 'Ok'.  Appears to take it but when I open Options
again, it is unclicked.
I really appreciate this add-on and thanks for taking it on.
If there's more I can do to help, let me know!
lebedev commented 8 years ago

@insular23, I'll write an update with settings migration in a day or two, that will enable this option for almost everybody. But it's clear that beside this you're having an issue with options. Personally, it works for me. And yes, you can help. When you toggle the option and it doesn't actually toggle, it should likely output some error messages to the Browser Console. To check that:

  1. Open Firefox Add-ons Manager.
  2. Then open Browser Console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J.
  3. Make sure that you have JS and Security logging enabled.
  4. Then clear Browser Console by pressing the Clear button.
  5. Open Tab Control's options, toggle Insert Related Tabs after Current option, press OK.
  6. And then I want you to check Browser Console again and send me all the info that you will see there. Screenshot or text will do. Make sure that there's no any personal/confidential data before sending, and if you prefer taking a screenshot - make sure to catch all the info.
insular23 commented 8 years ago
Well, I've tried to get any output from checking the box in
TabControl options  into the console with no result.  As far as I
can tell both JS and Security are enabled.  They each have all their
drop down choices checked.  When I check the box and click Ok
nothing happens in the Browser console window.  I get the same
result from both my at work session and on my home computer.  Both
are W7 running Firefox 39.0.
Here's the capture from Snip:

This is after two cycles of click Ok click Options.
I do get a lot of messages to the console concerning other aspects
of the browser.
lebedev commented 8 years ago

@insular23, your answer doesn't contain mentioned screenshot. Btw, what locale do you have?

insular23 commented 8 years ago
Locale?  Not sure what you're asking.  Do you mean like en_US.UTF-8
or do you mean timezone like Pacific DST, which is where I am.
I don't know how to ask Firefox what it has for locale.

I did send the snipping tool pic within the last email.  The content
is blank.  That's what I get every time I click the "Insert related
tabs..." box and then Ok.
I can send another blank screen from the Browser console or attach
it but it is blank.  There is no output generated from the clicks in
I do get many other messages from other pages I have open in
lebedev commented 8 years ago

@insular23, that's quite strange. If the add-on can't change the preference for whatever reason, could you try to change it manually as said here and verify if it did really change by opening a new tab and checking it's position?

slumbergod commented 8 years ago


changing the setting directly in about:config as you suggested seems to have restored the correct behaviour for me.

Thank you for the suggestion!

On 30 July 2015 at 22:09, Angly Cat notifications@github.com wrote:

Before you reset your profile, do something for me. Open a blank tab, enter about:config, press the I'll be careful, I promise! button if needed. Enter browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent in a search input and verify that this option is enabled (i.e. it's value is true).

https://camo.githubusercontent.com/3192e489575b0fc0bb79bfe39f157446d88b6067/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f4554674c376b362e706e67 Toggling Insert related tabs after current in the Tab Control's options actually toggles this option. If it's value is false, toggle it (using mouse button or context menu). It it's value is true and new tabs are still added to the end of the tab bar, it may be that Tab Control now (after I switch to a native Firefox option) is in a conflict with another add-on. Could you please try disabling all other add-ons (except Tab Control) and check if the issue is gone then? If this is the case, please try to detect which add-on causes conflict (by enabling them one by one, for example). That'll help me, and I'll fix a conflict or at least add a notice about the add-on conflicting with another.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/zeird/tabcontrol/issues/10#issuecomment-126259802.

David Scott, BSc BA Administration, myBJJ New Zealand http://www.mybjj.co.nz

lebedev commented 8 years ago

@slumbergod, you're welcome. But it seems that something is preventing the add-on from changing that preference, at least for you two. That's quite puzzling bug, considering that I have no idea how to reproduce it (yet).

slumbergod commented 8 years ago

The last time I encountered a problem was with a change in behaviour when I clicked tabs or links with the middle mouse button. I thought my mouse was failing but someone suggested trying a clean Firefox profile and that fixed it.

This time around I have had the strange issue with the tabs not opening where they should and some problems with middle clicking again.

I am not convinced there is a problem with your addon. The fact my middle-click button is "stiff" again makes me think I need to reset firefox again :(

Perhaps it is something to do with the 64-bit linux version of Firefox that I use.

I'll try to find time to reset firefox today and let you know what happens.

On 31 July 2015 at 09:56, Angly Cat notifications@github.com wrote:

@slumbergod https://github.com/slumbergod, you're welcome. But it seems that something is preventing the add-on from changing that preference, at least for you two. That's quite puzzling bug, considering that I have no idea how to reproduce it (yet).

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/zeird/tabcontrol/issues/10#issuecomment-126504616.

David Scott, BSc BA Administration, myBJJ New Zealand http://www.mybjj.co.nz