lebedov / msgpack-numpy

Serialize numpy arrays using msgpack
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Loading numpy array outside of Python #28

Closed liran-funaro closed 6 years ago

liran-funaro commented 6 years ago

How will other (non python) implementation of msgpack handles this? For example, what should I use when parsing msgpack via C++? https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-c

lebedov commented 6 years ago

msgpack_numpy effectively serializes a dict containing the shape, contents (as raw bytes), and data type of a numpy object. For non-Python msgpack implementations, one would need to write a decoder that deserializes each of those pieces of information and uses them to instantiate and set a suitable data structure for whatever language was used for that implementation (e.g., an Eigen array for C++). I haven't investigated whether there are existing C++ msgpack decoders that can unpack encoded Python dicts, though.