lecaillon / Evolve

Database migration tool for .NET and .NET Core projects. Inspired by Flyway.
MIT License
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Oracle database support #41

Open gameldd opened 6 years ago

gameldd commented 6 years ago

Oracle release OPD.NET core driver, see this link: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/dotnet/downloads/odpnetcorebeta-4077982.html , any plan to support Oracle database?

lecaillon commented 6 years ago

This is definitely something to implement one day, since we've juste introduced the SqlStatementBuilder class which will allow us to split a script in a list of SQL queries. Indeed the Oracle driver does not support multiple queries in a command. By the way, that's why Evolve does not support it currently.

@gameldd Thanks for the feedback 👍

antapos commented 3 years ago

I consider contributing to this feature. Is someone else already working on this?