Open ahn254 opened 2 years ago
I tried de-advertising the tvOS version of YouTube, but I can't find the interface at the moment, I suspect it's in GLKView at the moment?
#import <objc/NSObject.h>
@class GLKView;
@interface SBDEglSurface : NSObject
int _framebufferID;
unsigned long long _type;
GLKView *_view;
- (void).cxx_destruct;
@property(readonly, nonatomic) GLKView *view; // @synthesize view=_view;
@property(readonly, nonatomic) unsigned long long type; // @synthesize type=_type;
@property(readonly, nonatomic) int framebufferID; // @synthesize framebufferID=_framebufferID;
- (void)swapBuffers;
- (void)bindToContext:(id)arg1;
- (id)description;
- (id)initType:(unsigned long long)arg1 width:(long long)arg2 height:(long long)arg3;
- (id)init;
Do you have the header files of the original Youtube for tvOS? I seem to have incomplete class-dump in the new version