ledccn / IYUUPlus

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布置Docker容器后无法连上webui, 提示:未检测到常规配置JSON文件。 #134

Closed kev1019 closed 1 year ago

kev1019 commented 1 year ago


环境:Deban 11 Headless

执行的是以下几个命令,配合Nginx Reverse Proxy使用,所以ip还是放localhost

  1. apt update && apt upgrade
  2. docker pull iyuucn/iyuuplus:latest
  3. docker run -d --name IYUUPlus -v /path_to_file/IYUU/db:/IYUU/db -v /path_to_file/Downloads:/Downloads -v /path_to_file/BT_backup:/BT_backup -e HTTPS_ENABLE=true -e HTTPS_CERT_PATH=/path_to_file/domain_name/fullchain.pem -e HTTPS_KEY_PATH=/path_to_file/domain_name/privkey.pem -p --restart=always iyuucn/iyuuplus:latest

安装没报错,运行docker ps显示: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ddcc2b33249c iyuucn/iyuuplus:latest "/entrypoint.sh" 20 seconds ago Up 8 seconds>8787/tcp IYUUPlus

但没办法连上webui: Welcome to nginx!

If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.

For online documentation and support please refer to nginx.org. Commercial support is available at nginx.com.

Thank you for using nginx.

docker logs IYUUPlus 显示: Fetching origin From https://gitee.com/ledc/iyuuplus 37ab164..af568b5 master -> origin/master

kev1019 commented 1 year ago

解决方法:docker restart IYUUPlus