ledgerconnect / hivesigner.js

Hivesigner Javascript SDK
MIT License
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TypeScript and async/await support #1

Closed Distortedlogic closed 3 years ago

Distortedlogic commented 3 years ago

TypeScript is the way and async/await is the future but actually the now.

feruzm commented 3 years ago

Exactly, we are rewriting SDK, UI and API. Stay tuned for update...

Distortedlogic commented 3 years ago

@feruzm First off, thanks for all the developing contributions to the community. I am the dev behind Memehub on Hive. I am currently rewriting the frontend/beckend. Can you provide a timeframe on when to expect a new release? My options are constrained for my aim on certain aspects. A timeframe would help a ton with my planning foreseeable development. Thanks!

feruzm commented 3 years ago

@Distortedlogic SDK update is probably couple days away, that will be rewritten in Typescript. UI+API update is month away. All changes will be backward compatible, so you can safely integrate current flow and I don't think your users will notice much changes except UI changes.

feruzm commented 3 years ago

@Distortedlogic We just pushed update to hivesigner sdk and moved to new repo: https://github.com/ecency/hivesigner-sdk please check hivesigner@3.2.2 version and see if everything works as expected, we are doing some more internal testing before announcing, but feel free to test this out, preferably not in production yet, until we do full test and announce new version. Closing this, if you find something, please create issue on new repo! Thanks!