I want to publish this as an npm package where you can just:
run some CLI command on your laptop
configure trustlines with other people who run a LedgerLoops node
set some trade pairs and see it working
We should have a testnet and a livenet, and clearly show the difference.
For the testnet, we could have a faucet.
For the livenet, an OpenCollective could act as the faucet.
I should run a server with https interface for others to connect with.
And maybe also an Earthstar or WebSockets server so others can connect with each other.
The testnet could also be browser-based, with WebRTC.
Published it as https://github.com/ledgerloops/ledgerloops now!
It only supports a self-contained testnet now, but it should be easy to plug in transports that allow internet-wide testnets and live nets.
I want to publish this as an npm package where you can just:
We should have a testnet and a livenet, and clearly show the difference. For the testnet, we could have a faucet. For the livenet, an OpenCollective could act as the faucet.
I should run a server with https interface for others to connect with. And maybe also an Earthstar or WebSockets server so others can connect with each other.
The testnet could also be browser-based, with WebRTC.