ledgerwatch / erigon

Ethereum implementation on the efficiency frontier
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Erigon 3, receiptHash mismatch: [7/15 Execution] Execution failed block=56958257 #10775

Open g45g4wwf opened 1 week ago

g45g4wwf commented 1 week ago

During the first synchronization attempt of the Erigon node Version 3 with the Polygon main network, an error (warn) occurred indicating a mismatch in the receipt hash during block execution. The log entry was: [7/15 Execution] Execution failed block=56958257 txNum=4100004369 hash=0x198af3128fa8b5b6f092044bd8259b10ca3f243c7d1a8f0d451138a8d10fecb1 err="invalid block, txnIdx=195, receiptHash mismatch: eef556e8dffd811ec6b0b52cb7ff0cd6606ed6064e092f2a25d07be0775e24f7 != d63d6f852ff47c6e5d467f6e63c6763d0de0a9d84296d5ed4b804fda8448135b, headerNum=56958257, 198af3128fa8b5b6f092044bd8259b10ca3f243c7d1a8f0d451138a8d10fecb1" This log repeats every some minutes, the synchronization process is stopped.

This issue persists (stopping at same block) even after attempting the synchronization for the second time, possibly due to issues with the downloaded torrent data which was not deleted after the first attempt. How can i fix this issue or should i delete snapshots too and try it again?

Erigon 3.00.0-dev-037a5600 OS ubuntu:latest Command: erigon --chain=bor-mainnet --datadir=/data --port=31303 --bor.heimdall=http://heimdall:1317 --authrpc.addr= --authrpc.port=8651 --authrpc.jwtsecret=/secrets/jwt.hex --authrpc.vhosts=any --http.addr= --http.vhosts=* --http.corsdomain=* --http.api=admin,eth,net,web3,debug,engine,erigon,bor --ws --ws.port=8646 --private.api.addr= --torrent.download.rate=64mb --torrent.port=42069

Chain/Network: Polygon Consensus: Heimdall 1.0.6 heimdall start --home=/heimdall-home --chain=mainnet --rest-server --eth_rpc_url=http://erigon:8545

AskAlexSharov commented 1 week ago

thank you. we are working on it.

AskAlexSharov commented 2 days ago

partially fixed by https://github.com/ledgerwatch/erigon/pull/10871 still need to fix https://github.com/ledgerwatch/erigon/issues/10872