lee88688 / logseq-drawio-plugin

embed and edit drawio in logseq
MIT License
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Menu bar not visible when using Awesome UI plugin. #1

Closed aforank closed 8 months ago

aforank commented 1 year ago

First of all. Thank you for taking time and creating this plugin. I am sure a lot of people would be looking for the same.

However, I tried using it today, and it seems like if Tabs plugin is installed, Menu bar along with buttons to save and exit from draw.io are not visible. I couldn't find any other way to close the overlay. Please check the screennshot.


lee88688 commented 1 year ago

original tabs plugin does not have this problem. you may install 'Awesome UI' plugin. this is easy to resolve. please wait for new version.

aforank commented 1 year ago

@lee88688 Yes, I am using Awesome UI plugin. I tried again on the newer version 1.0.2, it has improved slightly but still I can't see the Menu bar and other buttons.


lee88688 commented 1 year ago

could you tell what plugins and current theme that you use? I can't replay it.

aforank commented 1 year ago

Awesome UI plugin is causing the problem. I disabled it temporarily and it worked just fine. Could you please check now?

lee88688 commented 1 year ago

Awesome UI changes whole logseq html(body) heigh which is more than window.innerHeight. plugin container use absolute position which causes inner iframe's height is more than window view port heigth and it finally causes menus disappear. image

it is not commonly modifying iframe's container style. so I may not fix this issue soon. wait for Awesome UI author's udpates and it may fix this issue.

aforank commented 8 months ago

Closing it as it appears fine now.