leecher1337 / ntvdmx64

Run Microsoft Windows NTVDM (DOS) on 64bit Editions
784 stars 81 forks source link

another stupid issue #135

Closed hdfsyu closed 2 years ago

hdfsyu commented 3 years ago

so clearly in enderman's video he ran windows 1.0 on windows 10 so 2 things 1 WHERE DID HE GET THE FILES FROM!? and 2 when I ran the windows 1 setup installed it to a custom path ran win.com it doesnt work.

hdfsyu commented 3 years ago

I hate my amd64 computer

leecher1337 commented 3 years ago

I tried with NTVDMx64 and it worked (Tested on Win7 x64 using latest NTVDMx64). 1) Download Windows disk images from https://winworldpc.com/download/70cc3f64-f438-11e8-9b71-fa163e9022f0 2) I used 7zip for unpacking disk images and install. What I did was the following: a) Create directory, i.e. c:\TEMP\INSTW10 b) Extract disk1.img with 7zip to C:\TEMP\INSTW10 c) subst a: C:\TEMP\INSTW10 d) A:\SETUP.EXE e) Tell setup to Install to i.e. C:\WIN10 f) When it prompts for the next disk, delete contents of C:\TEMP\INSTW10 and extract next disk to it, then continue setup, until you installe dall disks g) After setup: SUBST A: /D 3) Run WIN.COM in C:\WIN10 If you get an error about not being able to open the COM port, click ignore, as it tries to find the mouse and possibly cannot.


Althoug practically useless, it's indeed a funny experiment ;-)

hdfsyu commented 3 years ago

so u said "win7" ok uh im on windows 10 and enderman actually launched it... I will respond back to u if it works...

hdfsyu commented 3 years ago

so I tried and basically the setup went fine until I put in the last disk I put it in and after a few seconds the setup crashed! So I ran win.com from admin cmd prompt (and file explorer) and in cmd it just showed a blank screen then gave the the C:\WIN10 prompt in file explorer it just crashed since im a dev I got an idea for running windows 1.0 on my pc then doing something else with it... Btw it did not even ask for a com port am I supposed to run the setup via the admin cmd prompt?

hdfsyu commented 3 years ago

wait- I just realized ur the owner of this project... Sorry if im disturbing u

leecher1337 commented 3 years ago

Also works fine on Win10, of course:


As Display adapter during setup, you should choose: 3: IBM Personal System/2 Model Display Adapter Card or Display Adapter 8514/A

It's also enough to unpack all disks into one directory, do a subst a: . and just press continue when it prompts for the next disk. Maybe you can avoid the crash this way. It only asks for COM port, if you selected a mouse during setup, that's why I mentioned it.

hdfsyu commented 3 years ago

Also works fine on Win10, of course:


As Display adapter during setup, you should choose: 3: IBM Personal System/2 Model Display Adapter Card or Display Adapter 8514/A

It's also enough to unpack all disks into one directory, do a subst a: . and just press continue when it prompts for the next disk. Maybe you can avoid the crash this way. It only asks for COM port, if you selected a mouse during setup, that's why I mentioned it.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ok so looks like doing it from admin cmd prompt (and doing display adapter) actually finished the setup and it said this: "Microsoft Windows is setup to operate on ur computer" so yay! But I typed win.com in admin cmd and it just did the same thing showed a blank screen then said C:\WIN10 again. So im thinking this is because im on 64-Bit?

hdfsyu commented 3 years ago

and on file explorer it just hangs

hdfsyu commented 3 years ago

I unpacked all the floppys using powerISO trial

leecher1337 commented 3 years ago

Hard to tell why it doesn't work for you. We can compare files in install directory:

04.06.1985  09:07                42 ABC.TXT
11.05.1987  15:24                 0 APPS
11.08.1986  12:02                 8 BUILD.LBL
11.03.1987  09:55            26 496 CALC.EXE
22.05.1986  07:55            37 552 CALENDAR.EXE
22.05.1986  04:23            36 992 CARDFILE.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27            12 016 CITOH.DRV
22.05.1986  06:17             9 712 CLIPBRD.EXE
22.05.1986  06:08             7 984 CLOCK.EXE
26.01.1987  12:52             4 863 COMM.DRV
16.03.1987  17:13            52 736 CONTROL.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27            12 304 COURB.FON
02.04.1987  11:27             8 784 COURC.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            15 136 COURD.FON
02.04.1987  11:27             7 872 COURE.FON
31.03.1987  09:51             4 649 DENMARK.DRV
25.10.1985  13:02               493 DOTHIS.TXT
30.07.1985  17:33            12 874 EMM.AT
30.07.1985  17:15            12 898 EMM.PC
02.04.1987  11:27            14 352 EPSON.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            12 176 EPSONMX.DRV
31.03.1987  09:51             4 773 FRANCE.DRV
22.05.1986  10:48             1 961 FTG.DRV
09.04.1987  11:40            93 502 GDI.EXE
31.03.1987  09:51             4 758 GERMANY.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            37 680 HELVB.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            26 624 HELVC.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            45 600 HELVD.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            24 944 HELVE.FON
29.07.1986  16:42             7 472 HIFONTS.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            16 336 HP7470A.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            72 064 HPPCL.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            12 288 IBMGRX.DRV
09.04.1987  11:59             2 766 IBMMOUSE.DRV
16.03.1987  16:55            13 952 IBMPS230.DRV
09.03.1987  15:27                14 IBMPS230.GRB
09.03.1987  15:26                14 IBMPS230.LGO
30.03.1987  11:25            17 536 IBMPS250.DRV
16.07.1986  23:07             1 266 IBMPS250.GRB
30.03.1987  11:39             2 943 IBMPS250.LGO
11.03.1987  14:50            17 536 IBMPS2DA.DRV
09.03.1987  15:28                14 IBMPS2DA.GRB
09.03.1987  15:25                14 IBMPS2DA.LGO
31.03.1987  09:51             4 027 ITALY.DRV
22.05.1986  10:35             2 114 JOYMOUSE.DRV
07.04.1987  17:40            34 111 KERNEL.EXE
02.05.1986  17:47             2 661 LMOUSE.DRV
29.07.1986  16:42             5 552 LOFONTS.FON
22.05.1986  10:41             2 438 LPC.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27             7 584 MODERN.FON
24.04.1987  16:13             3 360 MOUSE.DRV
13.06.2021  13:22                 1 MSDOS.EXE
23.06.1986  14:32             6 242 MSDOSD.EXE
22.05.1986  10:45             1 966 MSMOUSE1.DRV
22.05.1986  10:45             1 966 MSMOUSE2.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            22 512 NEC3550.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            12 304 NECP2.DRV
22.05.1986  10:42             1 592 NOMOUSE.DRV
31.03.1987  09:51             4 649 NORWAY.DRV
22.05.1986  06:28            18 736 NOTEPAD.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27            12 416 OKI92.DRV
11.05.1987  14:35            90 512 PAINT.EXE
13.06.2021  13:17    <DIR>          PIF
09.09.1985  15:04             2 944 PRACTICE.WRI
02.04.1987  11:27           112 752 PSCRIPT.DRV
01.08.1986  05:59             6 680 RAMDRIVE.SYS
07.04.1987  17:57            10 455 README.TXT
11.03.1987  10:15            15 392 REVERSI.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27            11 120 ROMAN.FON
29.05.1987  15:30            36 646 SETUP.EXE
11.08.1986  11:59                 8 SETUP.LBL
02.04.1987  11:27            14 848 SG10.DRV
22.05.1986  11:49             5 853 SOUND.DRV
31.03.1987  09:51             4 630 SPAIN.DRV
08.04.1987  19:53            13 360 SPOOLER.EXE
31.03.1987  09:51             4 649 SWEDEN.DRV
09.07.1986  15:15             2 663 SYSTEM.DRV
12.06.1986  11:22            47 344 TERMINAL.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27            12 128 THINKJET.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            11 584 TI850.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            36 240 TMSRB.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            25 824 TMSRC.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            45 200 TMSRD.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            23 968 TMSRE.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            12 432 TOSH.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27             4 800 TTY.DRV
31.03.1987  09:51             4 009 UK.DRV
31.03.1987  09:50             4 005 USA.DRV
08.04.1987  20:19           122 848 USER.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27                11 UTILITY.LBL
12.11.1985  16:13             1 936 WIN.CNF
07.04.1987  17:40             4 879 WIN.COM
13.06.2021  13:22             2 198 WIN.INI
07.04.1987  17:40           183 504 WIN100.BIN
07.04.1987  17:40           219 312 WIN100.OVL
16.07.1986  23:07             1 266 WINOLDAP.GRB
01.08.1986  03:16            19 824 WINOLDAP.MOD
08.05.1987  10:00           192 176 WRITE.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27            21 024 XER4020.DRV

Contents of win.ini:

; this is a comment, i.e. a line preceded by a semicolon
; comments should NOT contain an equal sign

; Set spooler to no to prevent loading of spooler
; Programs entry determines which file extensions are displayed
; by DOS executive View Program command
; pif might also be an extension to add
programs=com exe bat
; NullPort entry determines the string used to denote the "null" port
; for connections, see control panel's Set Connections command
; Load entry specifies what applications should be loaded as icons
; Run entry specifies what applications should be run.  Use comma to
; start a new column of tiled applications, e.g. two columns.  Also
; notice that an application may be preloaded, e.g. dothis.txt starts

cal=calendar.exe ^.cal
crd=cardfile.exe ^.crd
trm=terminal.exe ^.trm
txt=notepad.exe ^.txt
ini=notepad.exe ^.ini
msp=paint.exe ^.msp
wri=write.exe ^.wri
doc=write.exe ^.doc




; To output to a file make an entry in this section of the form
; filename.PRN followed by an equal sign.
; The filename will appear in the Control Panel Connections dialog and
; any printer may then be connected to this file and all printing will
; be done to this file. 

Courier 8,10,12 (Set #6)=COURE
Helv 8,10,12 (Set #6)=HELVE
Tms Rmn 8,10,12 (Set #6)=TMSRE
Courier 8,10,12 (Set #5)=COURD
Helv 8,10,12 (Set #5)=HELVD
Tms Rmn 8,10,12 (Set #5)=TMSRD
Roman (Set #1)=ROMAN
Modern (Set #1)=MODERN
System, Terminal (Set #3)=HIFONTS
System, Terminal (Set #2)=LOFONTS

Same with your installation?

hdfsyu commented 3 years ago

Hard to tell why it doesn't work for you. We can compare files in install directory:

04.06.1985  09:07                42 ABC.TXT
11.05.1987  15:24                 0 APPS
11.08.1986  12:02                 8 BUILD.LBL
11.03.1987  09:55            26 496 CALC.EXE
22.05.1986  07:55            37 552 CALENDAR.EXE
22.05.1986  04:23            36 992 CARDFILE.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27            12 016 CITOH.DRV
22.05.1986  06:17             9 712 CLIPBRD.EXE
22.05.1986  06:08             7 984 CLOCK.EXE
26.01.1987  12:52             4 863 COMM.DRV
16.03.1987  17:13            52 736 CONTROL.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27            12 304 COURB.FON
02.04.1987  11:27             8 784 COURC.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            15 136 COURD.FON
02.04.1987  11:27             7 872 COURE.FON
31.03.1987  09:51             4 649 DENMARK.DRV
25.10.1985  13:02               493 DOTHIS.TXT
30.07.1985  17:33            12 874 EMM.AT
30.07.1985  17:15            12 898 EMM.PC
02.04.1987  11:27            14 352 EPSON.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            12 176 EPSONMX.DRV
31.03.1987  09:51             4 773 FRANCE.DRV
22.05.1986  10:48             1 961 FTG.DRV
09.04.1987  11:40            93 502 GDI.EXE
31.03.1987  09:51             4 758 GERMANY.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            37 680 HELVB.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            26 624 HELVC.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            45 600 HELVD.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            24 944 HELVE.FON
29.07.1986  16:42             7 472 HIFONTS.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            16 336 HP7470A.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            72 064 HPPCL.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            12 288 IBMGRX.DRV
09.04.1987  11:59             2 766 IBMMOUSE.DRV
16.03.1987  16:55            13 952 IBMPS230.DRV
09.03.1987  15:27                14 IBMPS230.GRB
09.03.1987  15:26                14 IBMPS230.LGO
30.03.1987  11:25            17 536 IBMPS250.DRV
16.07.1986  23:07             1 266 IBMPS250.GRB
30.03.1987  11:39             2 943 IBMPS250.LGO
11.03.1987  14:50            17 536 IBMPS2DA.DRV
09.03.1987  15:28                14 IBMPS2DA.GRB
09.03.1987  15:25                14 IBMPS2DA.LGO
31.03.1987  09:51             4 027 ITALY.DRV
22.05.1986  10:35             2 114 JOYMOUSE.DRV
07.04.1987  17:40            34 111 KERNEL.EXE
02.05.1986  17:47             2 661 LMOUSE.DRV
29.07.1986  16:42             5 552 LOFONTS.FON
22.05.1986  10:41             2 438 LPC.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27             7 584 MODERN.FON
24.04.1987  16:13             3 360 MOUSE.DRV
13.06.2021  13:22                 1 MSDOS.EXE
23.06.1986  14:32             6 242 MSDOSD.EXE
22.05.1986  10:45             1 966 MSMOUSE1.DRV
22.05.1986  10:45             1 966 MSMOUSE2.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            22 512 NEC3550.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            12 304 NECP2.DRV
22.05.1986  10:42             1 592 NOMOUSE.DRV
31.03.1987  09:51             4 649 NORWAY.DRV
22.05.1986  06:28            18 736 NOTEPAD.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27            12 416 OKI92.DRV
11.05.1987  14:35            90 512 PAINT.EXE
13.06.2021  13:17    <DIR>          PIF
09.09.1985  15:04             2 944 PRACTICE.WRI
02.04.1987  11:27           112 752 PSCRIPT.DRV
01.08.1986  05:59             6 680 RAMDRIVE.SYS
07.04.1987  17:57            10 455 README.TXT
11.03.1987  10:15            15 392 REVERSI.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27            11 120 ROMAN.FON
29.05.1987  15:30            36 646 SETUP.EXE
11.08.1986  11:59                 8 SETUP.LBL
02.04.1987  11:27            14 848 SG10.DRV
22.05.1986  11:49             5 853 SOUND.DRV
31.03.1987  09:51             4 630 SPAIN.DRV
08.04.1987  19:53            13 360 SPOOLER.EXE
31.03.1987  09:51             4 649 SWEDEN.DRV
09.07.1986  15:15             2 663 SYSTEM.DRV
12.06.1986  11:22            47 344 TERMINAL.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27            12 128 THINKJET.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            11 584 TI850.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27            36 240 TMSRB.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            25 824 TMSRC.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            45 200 TMSRD.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            23 968 TMSRE.FON
02.04.1987  11:27            12 432 TOSH.DRV
02.04.1987  11:27             4 800 TTY.DRV
31.03.1987  09:51             4 009 UK.DRV
31.03.1987  09:50             4 005 USA.DRV
08.04.1987  20:19           122 848 USER.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27                11 UTILITY.LBL
12.11.1985  16:13             1 936 WIN.CNF
07.04.1987  17:40             4 879 WIN.COM
13.06.2021  13:22             2 198 WIN.INI
07.04.1987  17:40           183 504 WIN100.BIN
07.04.1987  17:40           219 312 WIN100.OVL
16.07.1986  23:07             1 266 WINOLDAP.GRB
01.08.1986  03:16            19 824 WINOLDAP.MOD
08.05.1987  10:00           192 176 WRITE.EXE
02.04.1987  11:27            21 024 XER4020.DRV

Contents of win.ini:

; this is a comment, i.e. a line preceded by a semicolon
; comments should NOT contain an equal sign

; Set spooler to no to prevent loading of spooler
; Programs entry determines which file extensions are displayed
; by DOS executive View Program command
; pif might also be an extension to add
programs=com exe bat
; NullPort entry determines the string used to denote the "null" port
; for connections, see control panel's Set Connections command
; Load entry specifies what applications should be loaded as icons
; Run entry specifies what applications should be run.  Use comma to
; start a new column of tiled applications, e.g. two columns.  Also
; notice that an application may be preloaded, e.g. dothis.txt starts

cal=calendar.exe ^.cal
crd=cardfile.exe ^.crd
trm=terminal.exe ^.trm
txt=notepad.exe ^.txt
ini=notepad.exe ^.ini
msp=paint.exe ^.msp
wri=write.exe ^.wri
doc=write.exe ^.doc




; To output to a file make an entry in this section of the form
; filename.PRN followed by an equal sign.
; The filename will appear in the Control Panel Connections dialog and
; any printer may then be connected to this file and all printing will
; be done to this file. 

Courier 8,10,12 (Set #6)=COURE
Helv 8,10,12 (Set #6)=HELVE
Tms Rmn 8,10,12 (Set #6)=TMSRE
Courier 8,10,12 (Set #5)=COURD
Helv 8,10,12 (Set #5)=HELVD
Tms Rmn 8,10,12 (Set #5)=TMSRD
Roman (Set #1)=ROMAN
Modern (Set #1)=MODERN
System, Terminal (Set #3)=HIFONTS
System, Terminal (Set #2)=LOFONTS

Same with your installation?

uh yeah (to make sure I copied ur win.ini file into mine) and guess what IT WORKED! Ok im joking lol it doesnt work still does same thing...

hdfsyu commented 3 years ago

the funny thing is we are the only ones commenting XD

hdfsyu commented 3 years ago

I guess this is cuz of hardware ¯_(ツ)_/¯

hdfsyu commented 2 years ago


leecher1337 commented 2 years ago

What should I tell you? I already showed you my testing results.

hdfsyu commented 2 years ago

I am closing this issue, due to lack of response