leedium / banner-boi

banner-boi is an automated rapid development HTML5 Banner toolkit to help you get those pesky banners out the door quickly and efficiently. It's fully customizable and scaleable for current and future ad providers. Last but not least, it's EASY to use!
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non sprite, unit specific images #1

Open joshbond2 opened 6 years ago

joshbond2 commented 6 years ago

Hey there.... awesome repo!

Just a question if you have the time..

So it's clear that (for example) a sprite that I only want to go into a 300x250 unit should go into src/images/sprite300x250/ but what about non-sprite images? I looked a bit into the Gruntfile and didn't see logic here for it.. am I missing something?

If I am, I'd be happy to implement this and open up a PR.

leedium commented 6 years ago

Hey Josh thanks for the feed back, hopefully it helps you out. It did for me, when I needed it!

Wow, I haven't updated the repo in a while, and it could be considered obsolete, as there are other tools out there,...but it does work. I would really like to rewrite the entire thing but I'm busy with other work.

I didn't use orphan images because using sprites would minify the total requests, and the css spritesheet plugin makes it easy to include. There are two spritesheets. Polite for shared elements, and normal for size specific sized banners.

I'm actually happy that you think it's cool! :)

By all means feel free to fork, and make it better!!