leedo / noembed

oEmbed gateway service with additional non-oEmbed sources
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Instagram Provider Missing #101

Open danielkorte opened 6 years ago

danielkorte commented 6 years ago

Instagram is not working properly.

Works (instagr.am/p/*): https://noembed.com/embed?url=https%3A%2F%2Finstagr.am%2Fp%2Fn5mWV

Does not work (www.instagram.com/p/*): https://noembed.com/embed?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fp%2Fn5mWV

I'm not well-versed in Perl, but it looks like the lib/Noembed/ImageProvider.pm file references L<Noembed::Provider::Instagram> on line 79, but there is no Instagram.pm file inside of the lib/Noembed/Provider folder.

danielkorte commented 6 years ago

Also works (instagram.com/p/*): https://noembed.com/embed?url=https%3A%2F%2Finstagram.com%2Fp%2Fn5mWV

jlapitan commented 5 years ago

we can refer to https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/blob/master/modules/shortcodes/instagram.php

for the proper format for instagram provider.