leedrake5 / Russia-Ukraine

Equipment Loss Tracking
MIT License
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graphic issue? #25

Open fredmo opened 8 months ago

fredmo commented 8 months ago

At the last month of this graph, the blue line is becoming horizontal but not the red one image

if so the ratio should increase? image

Why is there not a link between the 2 graphs?

fredmo commented 8 months ago

Idem, I don't understand this :

image image

In the description you write the number of tanks deployed by Ukraine is 2100 and the total of tank of the Ukraine is also 2100, the % of the Ukraine curve must be the same.

Or if you consider that Ukraine has more tanks ( with the new arrival ) than deployed, the first curve of the total should be lower than the curve of the deployed one?

leedrake5 commented 8 months ago

At this point, losses for both sides are so large that short term changes (eg reduced Ukrainian losses) won't be reflected as much. The increase in Russian losses is primarily because of their assault on Avdiivka since the 10/01/2023. While large, they are more or less a drop in the bucket. As a result the change in ratio is not significant, from 2.75:1 to 2.77:1.

For tanks, the initial estimates are based on reported figures. There is considerable uncertainty about them, which is why I used the high-end estimates of recoverable tanks from Russian storage (~13k) and the low end of actively deployed (~3k). The truth is almost certainly somewhere in between.

leedrake5 commented 8 months ago

You make a good point that Ukrainian tanks should be the same, will look into the code to see why they differ.