Open akphi opened 3 years ago
@leefsmp Sorry, did you have a chance to take a look at this issue?
I don't have a suggestion from top of my head sorry. Do you have a codepen/sandbox that I could test quickly?
@leefsmp I will try to create a minimal repro in a few days!
@leefsmp Here's a small repro - You can click on the blue pad to toggle the size of the left panel and you would see it jumps
@leefsmp did you have any chance looking at this issue?
I will try to look at it this week ...
I found this is a problem with ReflexContainer adjustFlex, for some reason the flex adjustment is different every time
Workaround: I set flex=1 for the visible component and flex=0 for the initially invisible sidebar.
@mastercoms thanks! I have tested it out and it does fix my problem
I have the same issue. I am guessing that the reason for this problem is that the new size is calculated relative to the current size.
newFlex = currentFlex * newSize / currentSize
So if the current size is very small, the error tends to be large.
I modified ReflexElement.js and ReflexContainer.js to not do relative calculations if prop.size changes. It seems to be working fine for now.
The specific changes are as follows.
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@
_regenerator.default.mark(function _callee(prevProps, prevState, snapshot) {
var directions, _iteratorNormalCompletion, _didIteratorError, _iteratorError, _iterator, _step, direction;
+ var _isSetPropSize;
return _regenerator.default.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
while (1) {
@@ -167,7 +168,10 @@
case 0:
if (!(prevState.size !== this.state.size)) { = 28;
+ _isSetPropSize = false;
+ } else {
+ _isSetPropSize = true;
directions = toArray(this.props.direction);
@@ -188,7 +192,8 @@
return'element.size', {
index: this.props.index,
size: this.props.size,
- direction: direction
+ direction: direction,
+ isSetPropSize: _isSetPropSize
case 11:
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
var splitterIdx = idx + dir;
var availableOffset = _this.computeAvailableOffset(splitterIdx, dir * offset);
+ _this.state.isSetPropSize = data.isSetPropSize;
_this.elements = null;
if (availableOffset) {
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
// TODO handle exception ...
+ delete _this.state.isSetPropSize;
}); = new _ReflexEvents.default();
@@ -503,7 +504,7 @@
var size = this.getSize(element);
var idx = element.props.index;
var newSize = Math.max(size + offset, 0);
- var currentFlex = this.state.flexData[idx].flex;
+ var currentFlex = this.state.isSetPropSize ? 0 : this.state.flexData[idx].flex;
var newFlex = currentFlex > 0 ? currentFlex * newSize / size : this.computePixelFlex() * newSize;
this.state.flexData[idx].flex = !isFinite(newFlex) || isNaN(newFlex) ? 0 : newFlex;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
could you submit a PR with modified code from the source in src/lib
not the transpiled code.
I found this is a problem with ReflexContainer adjustFlex, for some reason the flex adjustment is different every time
Workaround: I set flex=1 for the visible component and flex=0 for the initially invisible sidebar.
sorry at this link , I can not fix it, by
<ReflexElement flex={0} size={size} direction={1}>
<div className="App__side"></div>
<ReflexSplitter />
<ReflexElement flex={1} >
<div className="App__panel"></div>
May I have a more complete code? please. @akphi @mastercoms
I programmatically set the size for a panel and have a button to toggle minimizing it. What I see is the size of the panel changes when I toggle the panel. See the videos below:
In this video, you can see I
out the size and it stays the same at300
In this video, I repeat the same experiment, but observe the
, it changes