leehe228 / LogisticsEnv

UAV Logistics Environment for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning / Unity ML-Agents / Unity 3D
MIT License
79 stars 11 forks source link

Could I have your trained model? #4

Closed wy-luke closed 6 months ago

wy-luke commented 1 year ago

Excuse me, may I respectfully ask if it would be possible for you to share your trained model model.pt files with me? My computer's performance is not quite good.

I would be extremely grateful for your help. Thanks! And your paper is awesome!

leehe228 commented 1 year ago


Excuse me for not having answered your letter sooner. I am currently serving in the Air Force according to the Korean military law.

I will look for the learning model file and reply to you again.

Thank you.

wy-luke commented 1 year ago

@leehe228 Thank you so much!!!

leehe228 commented 1 year ago

I am so sorry for late response, because of serving for army.


This is a link for 30k-epoch-trained MAAC model log file.

I also have other trained files but they are crashed. So I am training model again now. I will notice you when a training is done. Thank you so much.

wy-luke commented 1 year ago

@leehe228 Thank you so so so so so so so so much!!!

manaspalaparthi commented 8 months ago

@leehe228 by any chance you have the 150k episode MAAC model? i want to compare the results with my model.

leehe228 commented 7 months ago

@manaspalaparthi Hello, I am sorry for the late reply. There is a problem with the GPU server that we are currently using, so I am training again after reset the server. After that, we plan to provide the trained model data and results again. I will provide you with the results as soon as possible. Sorry for not being able to help you right away.

yyjdsads commented 6 months ago

https://konkukackr-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/leehe228_konkuk_ac_kr/Eu7uH-dz3EtIuC8j-l6uxP8B3ktO6UiMUeMPrw7QXMWHIg?e=zlP0gX This link is invalid, can you give a new link?

yyjdsads commented 6 months ago

@leehe228 Thank you so much!!! Have you saved this file? I can't open it now, can you share it?

leehe228 commented 6 months ago

I apologise for the confusion, but I've had an issue with my lab server and are currently re-starting learning. I will have the files available within a week, thank you for your patience.

leehe228 commented 6 months ago


Here is the link. You can download trained model files (.pth) Thank you for your patience! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cd17nqOY6nNDjxIUsFIw1KQF8No4MgIV?usp=share_link