leejo / cgi-fast

The new home for CGI::Fast, removing it from the original CGI.pm distribution
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Contradicting license statements #13

Closed ppisar closed 9 years ago

ppisar commented 9 years ago

CGI-Fast-2.09's lib/CGI/Fast.pm reads at the beginning:

# Copyright 1995,1996, Lincoln D. Stein.  All rights reserved.
# It may be used and modified freely, but I do request that this copyright
# notice remain attached to the file.  You may modify this module as you
# wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please attach a note
# listing the modifications you have made.

and at the end:

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright 1996-1998, Lincoln D. Stein.  All rights reserved. Currently
maintained by Lee Johnson

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The issue is that Perl is licensed as "GPL or Artistic" and GPL forbids any additional constrains. In my point of view the "attach a note listing the modifications" is one of these incompatible additional requirements.

I believe this is just a mistake (maybe o quotation from the Artistic license) and it would be great if you made the license statements better. For example by removing the first statement.

leejo commented 9 years ago

Given the date of the license hasn't been updated in, oh, 17 years, i'm not so sure this is that big a deal. I'll strip out the top comment, i'm sure it won't bother Lincoln.