Given this hierarchy of class:
[ProtoInclude(10, typeof(Sale))]
public abstract class Doc
public int Numero { get; set; }
[ProtoInclude(10, typeof(Receipt))]
public abstract class Sale : Doc
protected Sale()
Dets = new List<Det>();
[ProtoMember(1, DynamicType = true, AsReference = true)]
public List<Det> Dets { get; private set; }
public class Receipt : Sale
[ProtoInclude(10, typeof(Item))]
[ProtoInclude(11, typeof(Subtotal))]
[ProtoInclude(12, typeof(Adj))]
public abstract class Det
public string Desc { get; set; }
public class Subtotal : Det, IRefs<Det, Det>
public Subtotal()
Refs = new List<IRef<Det, Det>>();
[ProtoMember(1, DynamicType = true, AsReference = true)]
public List<IRef<Det, Det>> Refs { get; private set; }
public class Item : Det, IRefs<Det, Det>
public Item()
Refs = new List<IRef<Det, Det>>();
[ProtoMember(1, DynamicType = true, AsReference = true)]
public List<IRef<Det, Det>> Refs { get; private set; }
public class Adj : Det, IRefs<Det, Det>
public Adj()
Refs = new List<IRef<Det, Det>>();
[ProtoMember(1, DynamicType = true, AsReference = true)]
public List<IRef<Det, Det>> Refs { get; private set; }
public interface IRefs<T, U>
where T: Det
where U :Det
List<IRef<T, U>> Refs { get; }
public interface IRef<out T, out U>
where T : Det
where U : Det
T To { get; }
U By { get; }
[ProtoInclude(10, typeof(SubRef<Item>))]
[ProtoInclude(11, typeof(AdjRef<Item>))]
public abstract class Ref<T, U> : IRef<T, U>
where T : Det
where U : Det
[ProtoMember(1, AsReference = true, DynamicType = true)]
public T To { get; set; }
[ProtoMember(2, AsReference = true, DynamicType = true)]
public U By { get; set; }
[ProtoInclude(10, typeof(SubItemRef))]
public abstract class SubRef<U> : Ref<Subtotal, U> where U : Det
public class SubItemRef :SubRef<Item>
[ProtoInclude(10, typeof(AdjItemRef))]
public abstract class AdjRef<U> : Ref<Adj, U> where U : Det
public class AdjItemRef :AdjRef<Item>
This test falis:
var doc = new Receipt {Numero = 3};
var item = new Item {Desc = "item"};
var adj = new Adj { Desc = "Adj" };
var subTot = new Subtotal {Desc = "sutotal"};
var refference = new SubItemRef {By = item, To = subTot};
var ref2 = new AdjItemRef {By = item, To = adj};
var docCloned = Serializer.DeepClone(doc);
Assert.IsTrue(((Item)docCloned.Dets[0]).Refs[0].By != null);
I have tried any combination of Proto Attribute.
Original issue reported on by on 9 Sep 2011 at 3:52
Original issue reported on by
on 9 Sep 2011 at 3:52