leelasd / ligpargen

A repository for tutorials and FAQ's about LigParGen
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I am not getting topology file for my compound with below smiles format O(Cc1n(CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC)nnc1)c1c(Cc2c(OCc3n(CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC)nnc3)c(-n3nc4c(n3)cccc4)cc(C(CC(C)(C)C)(C)C)c2)cc(C(CC(C)(C)C)(C)C)cc1-n1nc2c(n1)cccc2 #43

Open Muneeb-Aliyarhussain opened 5 years ago

Muneeb-Aliyarhussain commented 5 years ago

Issue Information

Software name & Version : Method:

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior