really simple idea from json-server to help you create a batch of restful api with simple json
static file sending .
mock data locally, as same as puer@1.0
All of them can be writed in express.Router's style (although puer is not depend on it directly).
Besides that, the configuration support living editing, you don't need to restart puer for every editing.
automately configfile generator to avoid lengthy options in command line
rewrited by javascript, remove coffeescript dependency. many bug are beacuse of the postinstall script with coffeescript.
Last year, I write a story about puer in HN, and received a lot of attention.
Browser-sync is powerful now, but puer is taking a different road: For helping people to keep front-end separately with backend in development enviroment.
version 2.0 haven't been completed yet. so, if you have any idea, please comment this issue. thanks!
All code is rewrited, some new feature is introduced
introduced rewrite, it is realy simple and powerful
Besides that, the configuration support living editing, you don't need to restart puer for every editing. Example:
Last year, I write a story about puer in HN, and received a lot of attention.
Browser-sync is powerful now, but puer is taking a different road: For helping people to keep front-end separately with backend in development enviroment.
version 2.0 haven't been completed yet. so, if you have any idea, please comment this issue. thanks!