leeper / cregg

Simple Conjoint Analyses, Tidying, and Visualization
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AMEs and AMIEs #29

Closed mbarnfield closed 5 years ago

mbarnfield commented 5 years ago

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It could be cool to implement tidy AME (of features not just AMCEs of levels) and AMIE (interactions again between features) estimation via FindIt (see https://amstat.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01621459.2018.1476246#.XXJKGi-ZMWo and https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=FindIt). I am going to fork the repo and attempt to write these functions so they're consistent with the rest of cregg, but I understand this might be beyond the intended scope of the package and therefore not merged into the master. Also understand that these aren't yet widely used or recognised estimands. Might take me a while.