leeper / cregg

Simple Conjoint Analyses, Tidying, and Visualization
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Add functions for power analysis #30

Open leeper opened 5 years ago

leeper commented 5 years ago

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Power analysis and sample-size determination could be useful. Some draft code from Hainmueller et al. is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xdamgzwl60h1b6w/conjointpower.R?dl=0

mbarnfield commented 5 years ago

I did some super basic stuff in my cjpwr repo based on this old documentation. Don't think this is anywhere near sophisticated enough, but it exists.

leeper commented 5 years ago

@mbarnfield What's your plan with that repo? Do you plan to put it on CRAN or maybe you'd be interested in folding something like that in to this?

mbarnfield commented 5 years ago

I'd be happy to integrate it into cregg. It definitely needs work though! If you're happy with the general approach in the Hainmueller code (which doesn't look that complex) then it might not be too much work to get cjpwr to that level, but tidier. I'm not sure what he's basing his approach on, though, and I'm not well-versed on power analysis in general.

leeper commented 4 years ago

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