leeper / margins

An R Port of Stata's 'margins' Command
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poly pass through #175

Open leachandrew opened 2 years ago

leachandrew commented 2 years ago


I see that you've flagged this issue in a related thread (https://github.com/leeper/margins/issues/79) but reposting here to highlight another situation in which stats::poly() leads to an error.

Using a regression workflow with broom and the tidyverse:

test_data <- data.frame(region = sample(letters[1:3], 1000, replace = TRUE),
                        x = sample(0:1, 1000, replace = TRUE), 
                        y = sample(1:100, 1000, replace = TRUE), 
                        z = sample(0:1, 1000, replace = TRUE)) %>% 

# nested by region works fine with a basic regression
by_region <- 
  test_data %>% nest(data=-region)%>%
  mutate(mod_rat= map(data, ~ lm(x ~ y + z,data=.x)))%>%
  mutate(marginals      = map2(mod_rat, data, ~margins_summary(.x, data = .y)))

#introduce the poly term it throws an error
by_region <- 
  test_data %>% nest(data=-region)%>%
  mutate(mod_rat= map(data, ~ lm(x ~ z + poly(y,2),data=.x)))%>%
  mutate(marginals = map2(mod_rat, data, ~margins_summary(.x, data = .y)))

# add the solution of stats::poly(... and the error is resolved and we can run either a targeted marginal effects or summary.
by_region <- 
  test_data %>% nest(data=-region)%>%
  mutate(mod_rat= map(data, ~ lm(x ~ z + stats::poly(y,2),data=.x)))%>%
  mutate(marginals = map2(mod_rat, data, ~margins_summary(.x, data = .y)),
  marginal_key = map2(mod_rat, data, ~margins_summary(.x, data = .y,variables=c("z"))))
## session info for your system

#loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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