leepeuker / movary

Self hosted web app to track and rate your watched movies
MIT License
392 stars 14 forks source link

Support TV shows #186

Open TastyPi opened 1 year ago

TastyPi commented 1 year ago

Apologies if they already are supported, I didn't see it mentioned in the README.

This is a feature request to support tracking TV show episode watches in addition to movies.

kodxana commented 1 year ago

+1 would use it too!

leepeuker commented 1 year ago

Hey, because this was asked at a few different places I have updated the README with an answer.

Q: Will Movary support tv shows or other media types?

A: No, there are currently no plans for this. The limited time available for developing Movary is used to provide the best possible experience for movie fans.

iamkroot commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to keep this issue open with a "zero priority" label? This way interested folks can subscribe to the issue and get notified when the situation changes in the far future.

leepeuker commented 1 year ago

Hey @iamkroot, I would prefer keeping this issue closed, I do not think that movary will ever support tv shows to be honest (it was planned and designed specifically for movies). Of course never say never, who knows what the future brings, but I do not like the idea to imply that it seems possible for tv shows to be added by letting this issue open at the moment.

JVT038 commented 1 year ago

Hey. I'm a PHP developer and I am willing to work on a PR that would add support for TV shows and music.

I would probably fetch TV show info from TMDB (I think they have info about TV shows) and get music info from the free Spotify API. Besides that, I know Deezer, Musicbrainz and Genius have some pretty comprehensive publicly available APIs as well.

Would you merge a PR that would add support for these things?

leepeuker commented 1 year ago

Hey @JVT038 , that is great, you are welcome to contribute and every PR will be merged, which adds value to this project without increasing the technical dept to much.

To your suggestions, my opinion is we should definitely forget about music and other media types for now, TV Show support alone will be enough work. If this is done we can think about supporting more media types.

So when we focus on TV right now, the first question would be how can we best integrate this in the existing web UI, without losing the possibility to ignore TV shows if a user has no interest in it :thinking:

As a starting point you could look into the dashboard.html.twig and find a way how we could add support for TV there.

Jucgshu commented 1 year ago

The README sounds like a hard 'No' atm. Perhaps a mention in it saying 'any contribution's welcome' could open up the discussion a little?

I must say that TV shows support is a must for me, although Movary seems really appealing.

leepeuker commented 1 year ago

Yeah good point @Jucgshu , I have updated the readme like you suggested. Additionally I have reopend this ticket for more visibility.

Indian-Techie09 commented 1 year ago

@JVT038 instead of tmdb I think tvdb is better for TV shows

JVT038 commented 1 year ago

The TVDB costs €12,- per year. Source

I don't think it's desirable to ask users to pay €12,- per year for an API while there are free alternatives (such as TMDB)

Indian-Techie09 commented 1 year ago

@JVT038 can you not use a v4 API instead of every user using their own api?

JVT038 commented 1 year ago

I don't know for sure, but I have a pretty strong feeling that we're going to violate their API ToS if I create a free developer API key and distribute that to everyone using Movary.

Indian-Techie09 commented 1 year ago

@JVT038 how about a caching proxy?

JVT038 commented 1 year ago

What do you mean with a caching proxy?

Indian-Techie09 commented 1 year ago

@JVT038 using a caching proxy for example squid we can cache data from tvdb than use that data for movary. We won't be violating ToS. I may be wrong.

JVT038 commented 1 year ago

Would each user be running their own proxy or would there be a centralized proxy for all users?

Indian-Techie09 commented 1 year ago

@JVT038 I am thinking that each user setup their own proxy connected to each other like p2p

JVT038 commented 1 year ago

I think building a whole p2p system with trackers, announcers and everything like that, would be too much effort if the TMDB can also just be used without the whole p2p system. Besides that, other APIs like the Trakt.tv also provide a lot of information on TV shows, so I honestly don't see the point of making a very complicated proxy system with p2p while a simple API client can be made instead.

JourneyOver commented 1 year ago

Like the look of this application myself, but yea until tv shows are supported I sadly have to pass this app up even though I would like another place to have all my movies/tv shows backuped up to.

DrMxrcy commented 1 year ago

+1 On this!

Drallas commented 2 months ago

+1 for this feature..

luiscachog commented 1 month ago

+1 for this effort!