leereilly / swot

:school: Identify email addresses or domains names that belong to colleges or universities. Help automate the process of approving or rejecting academic discounts.
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Domains with hyphen in directory name returning invalid #1545

Open jackocnr opened 6 years ago

jackocnr commented 6 years ago

e.g. test@etud.u-pem.fr

This domain was added over a year ago, and so this email address should return valid. https://github.com/leereilly/swot/commit/6799cd068fe40271de4f703b43c90b91f5bbf68b

I've had the same issue adding other similar domains in my private fork e.g. I recently added @etud.sorbonne-nouvelle.fr and then noticed emails with that domain were returning invalid.

My guess is that the issue is with directory names containing a hyphen, but I'm not sure as I had quick look and couldn't find any others. It's not an issue when the txt filename contains a hyphen.


andydust commented 6 years ago

The hyphen is a red herring. The reason the example above isn't working is because it appears to be a design decision not to support subdomains (as documented in CONTRIBUTING ). https://github.com/leereilly/swot/commit/6799cd068fe40271de4f703b43c90b91f5bbf68b should have simply added /fr/u-pem.txt and ignored the etud subdomain. Incorrectly added subdomains should be reviewed and addressed in a PR.

Worth noting that the downside of this decision is that Swot cannot support .school_name queries at the granular level of individual schools/faculties within a larger academic institution.

jackocnr commented 6 years ago

Another example is @master.hes-so.ch