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【Day 11 】2024-08-25 - 142. 环形链表 II #17

Open azl397985856 opened 3 weeks ago

azl397985856 commented 3 weeks ago

142. 环形链表 II








给定一个链表,返回链表开始入环的第一个节点。 如果链表无环,则返回 null。

为了表示给定链表中的环,我们使用整数 pos 来表示链表尾连接到链表中的位置(索引从 0 开始)。 如果 pos 是 -1,则在该链表中没有环。注意,pos 仅仅是用于标识环的情况,并不会作为参数传递到函数中。



你是否可以使用 O(1) 空间解决此题?
Fightforcoding commented 3 weeks ago


First using slow and fast pointers to detect whether there is a cycle in the linked list then find the cycle start by using another pointer from the head of the list to find the start point.


# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.next = None

class Solution:
    def detectCycle(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
        slow_ptr = head
        fast_ptr = head
        new_head = head
        while fast_ptr and fast_ptr.next:
            slow_ptr = slow_ptr.next
            fast_ptr = fast_ptr.next.next
            if slow_ptr == fast_ptr:
                while new_head != slow_ptr:
                    slow_ptr = slow_ptr.next
                    new_head = new_head.next
                return new_head

        return None

Time complexity O(n)

Space complexity O(1)

CelesteXiong commented 3 weeks ago


Use a faster point and a slower point starting in the head. The faster pointer walked twice as fast as the slower pointer. Assuming that a is the length of the head to the entrance of the circle, and b is the length of the entrance to the first meet point, and c is the length of the circle. When they first met, the faster pointer walked $(a + b + kc)$, and the slower pointer walked $(a+b)$, so we got (a+b+kc) = 2(a+b), where we can obtain the a = kc - b. Then we move the faster pointer back into the head, and walked in the same speed as the slower pointer. Once they met, we got the entrance to the circle.


# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.next = None

class Solution:
    def detectCycle(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
        slow, fast = head, head
        while fast and fast.next:
            fast = fast.next.next
            slow = slow.next 
            if slow == fast: break
        if not fast or not fast.next: return None
        fast = head
        while slow and fast:
            if fast == slow: return fast
            fast = fast.next 
            slow = slow.next 
        return None


Time: O(n), n is the length of linked list

Space: O(1)

peggyhao commented 3 weeks ago
public class Solution {
    public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) {
         if (head == null) {
            return null;
         ListNode slow = head, fast = head;
         while (fast != null) {
            slow = slow.next;
            if (fast.next != null) {
                fast = fast.next.next;
            } else {
                return null;
            if (fast == slow) {
                ListNode ptr = head;
                while (ptr != slow) {
                    ptr = ptr.next;
                    slow = slow.next;
                return ptr;
         return null;


time: O(n) space: O(1)

huizsh commented 3 weeks ago
class Solution:
    def detectCycle(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        visited = set()
        pos = head
        while pos:
            if pos in visited:
                return pos
            pos = pos.next
        return None

The detectCycle method checks for a cycle in a linked list. It keeps track of visited nodes using a set (visited), and if a node is revisited, it returns that node, indicating the start of the cycle. If no cycle is found, the method returns None.

sleepydog25 commented 3 weeks ago


Answer 1:

  1. Create a set
  2. Store the nodes you've been through in the set

Answer 2:

Floyd's Cycle Detection Algorithm

  1. make two pointer fast and slow
  2. when fast and slow meets, indicates there is a cycle
  3. make a third pointer "start", that starts from head and slow will loop through the cycle
  4. at the end start and slow will meet each other


Answer 1:

  1. Also passed leetcode 141

    * Definition for singly-linked list.
    * class ListNode {
    *     int val;
    *     ListNode next;
    *     ListNode(int x) {
    *         val = x;
    *         next = null;
    *     }
    * }
    public class Solution {
    public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) {
          if (head == null)
            return null;
        HashSet <ListNode> store = new HashSet <ListNode> ();
        ListNode pointer = head;
        while (pointer != null){
            if (store.contains(pointer)){
                return pointer;
            pointer = pointer.next;
        return null;

Answer 2:

 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * class ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode next;
 *     ListNode(int x) {
 *         val = x;
 *         next = null;
 *     }
 * }
public class Solution {
    public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) {

         if (head == null|| head.next == null)
          return null;

        ListNode slow = head;
        ListNode fast = head;

        while(fast != null && fast.next != null){
            slow = slow.next;
            fast = fast.next.next;

            if (slow == fast){ // the cycle exists

                ListNode start = head; // tell me where the cycle starts

                while(start != slow){
                    slow = slow.next;
                    head = head.next;
                return start;
        return null; //no cycle



  1. Time Complexity:O(n)
  2. Space Complexity:O(n)


  3. Time Complexity:O(n)
  4. Space Complexity:O(1)
zjy-debug commented 3 weeks ago




class Solution:
    def detectCycle(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
        if not head:
            return None

        slow = head
        fast = head

        while fast and fast.next:
            slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next.next

            if slow == fast:
            return None

        entry = head
        while entry != slow:
            entry = entry.next
            slow = slow.next

        return entry




akxuan commented 3 weeks ago
   node_dict = set()

        while head:
            if head in node_dict:
                return head 
                head = head.next

        return None

先放一个时空复杂度都是 O(N) 的

终于弄明白这个题了, 弄明白了就很简单。 有三个段, a, b, c。 a: 是从起点到环入口 b: 是从环入口到交点 c: 是从交点到环入口

等于 b + c 就是环。 由于 fast 走过了两倍的 slow。 2*(a+b) = a + n(b + c)
一番变换: a = c + (n-1)(b+c)

所以, 我们希望找到环入口的话, 让一个node 从起点走完a, 就等于 slow 继续从相遇点, 绕 n-1 圈之后再走完c。 纠结这个n-1 的value , 其实不管绕几圈, 我只是希望他俩同时到达入口而已, 就是希望走完c。

        fast = slow = head
        has_cycle = False 
        while fast and fast.next and fast.next.next: 
            slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next.next

            if slow == fast: 
                 has_cycle = True 

        if has_cycle:
            new = head
            while new != slow: 
                new = new.next
                slow = slow.next
            return new

            return None  

时间复杂度 O(N) 空间复杂度 O(1)

godkun commented 3 weeks ago



实现思路:用了快慢指针判断是否有环,如果相遇则在环中。但是没有get到 将 slow 指针重新指向链表的头节点,然后 slow 和 fast 每次各移动一步,直到它们再次相遇,相遇点即为环的起始节点。这个逻辑,学习到了。



function detectCycle(head: ListNode | null): ListNode | null {
  if (head === null) return null
  let slow = head
  let fast = head

  while (fast !== null && fast.next !== null) {
    slow = slow.next
    fast = fast.next.next
    if (slow === fast) {
      slow = head
      while (slow !== fast) {
        slow = slow.next
        fast = fast.next
      return slow
  return null


时间复杂度:O(N) 空间复杂度:O(1)