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【Day 9 】2021-12-20 - 109. 有序链表转换二叉搜索树 #15

Open azl397985856 opened 2 years ago

azl397985856 commented 2 years ago

109. 有序链表转换二叉搜索树






本题中,一个高度平衡二叉树是指一个二叉树每个节点 的左右两个子树的高度差的绝对值不超过 1。


给定的有序链表: [-10, -3, 0, 5, 9],

一个可能的答案是:[0, -3, 9, -10, null, 5], 它可以表示下面这个高度平衡二叉搜索树:

 / \

-3 9 / / -10 5

yan0327 commented 2 years ago

思路: 高度平衡二叉树 =》意味着左右子树的深度都相同 =》分治算法 参考链表归并排序的实现思路。并且用递归实现 关注两个关键节点:1.如果是nil,则直接返回nil 2. 如果链表只有一个节点,则直接作为值返回叶节点。 其次就是: 快慢指针找中点,同时用一个前驱节点pre保存前一个结点待访问。 找到中点后注意两个关键环节, 第一个关键环节前驱结点pre.Next = nil 断开 第二个关键环节为slow.Next作为输入参数。 然后就是常规的把slow【中间结点】作为根结点的值, 左叶子节点的值取决于 前半部分的链表递归值 右叶子节点的值取决于 后半部分的链表递归值 答案完毕。

func sortedListToBST(head *ListNode) *TreeNode {
    if head == nil{
        return nil
    pre := &ListNode{Next:head}
    if head.Next == nil{
        return &TreeNode{Val:head.Val}
    slow := head
    fast := head
    for fast!= nil && fast.Next!= nil{
        pre = slow
        slow = slow.Next
        fast = fast.Next.Next
    pre.Next = nil
    root := &TreeNode{Val:slow.Val}
    root.Left = sortedListToBST(head)
    root.Right = sortedListToBST(slow.Next)
    return root

时间复杂度:O(n*logn)分治 空间复杂度:O(logn)

CodeWithIris commented 2 years ago

Note (Recursion)

Solution (C++)

class Solution {
    TreeNode* buildTree(ListNode* left, ListNode* right){
        if(left == right) return nullptr;
        ListNode* slow = left;
        ListNode* fast = left;
        while(fast != right && fast->next != right){
            slow = slow->next;
            fast = fast->next->next;
        TreeNode* node = new TreeNode(slow->val);
        node->left = buildTree(left, slow);
        node->right = buildTree(slow->next, right);
        return node;
    TreeNode* sortedListToBST(ListNode* head) {
        return buildTree(head, nullptr);


chakochako commented 2 years ago
class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        def getLength(head: ListNode) -> int:
            ret = 0
            while head:
                ret += 1
                head = head.next
            return ret

        def buildTree(left: int, right: int) -> TreeNode:
            if left > right:
                return None
            mid = (left + right + 1) // 2
            root = TreeNode()
            root.left = buildTree(left, mid - 1)
            nonlocal head
            root.val = head.val
            head = head.next
            root.right = buildTree(mid + 1, right)
            return root

        length = getLength(head)
        return buildTree(0, length - 1)
Courtneyz94 commented 2 years ago
def sortedListToBST(self, head):
    if not head:
    if not head.next:
        return TreeNode(head.val)
    slow, fast = head, head.next.next
    while fast and fast.next:
        fast = fast.next.next
        slow = slow.next
    tmp = slow.next
    slow.next = None
    root = TreeNode(tmp.val)
    root.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
    root.right = self.sortedListToBST(tmp.next)
    return root
SenDSproject commented 2 years ago

解题思路:抄的答案,需要注意后面指针的用法 老是写错

   class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:

        if not head:
            return head
        pre, slow, fast = None, head, head

        while fast and fast.next:
            fast = fast.next.next
            pre = slow
            slow = slow.next
        if pre:
            pre.next = None
        node = TreeNode(slow.val)
        if slow == fast:
            return node
        node.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
        node.right = self.sortedListToBST(slow.next)
        return node

时间复杂度 O(N)
for123s commented 2 years ago


C++ Code:

 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x, ListNode *next) : val(x), next(next) {}
 * };
 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * struct TreeNode {
 *     int val;
 *     TreeNode *left;
 *     TreeNode *right;
 *     TreeNode() : val(0), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}
 *     TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}
 *     TreeNode(int x, TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right) : val(x), left(left), right(right) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    vector<int> nums;
    TreeNode* buildTree(int l,int r)
            return nullptr;
        int mid = (l+r+1)/2;
        TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(nums[mid]);
        root->left = buildTree(l,mid-1);
        root->right = buildTree(mid+1,r);
        return root;
    TreeNode* sortedListToBST(ListNode* head) {
        int l = 0;
            head = head->next;
        return buildTree(0,nums.size()-1);
wxj783428795 commented 2 years ago


1.找到中间节点作为二叉树的根节点。 2.找到根节点左侧链表的中间节点作为根节点左侧子树的根节点,右侧同理 3.循环以上步骤


var sortedListToBST = function (head) {
    if (!head) return null;
    return dfs(head, null);

var dfs = (head, tail) => {
    if (head === tail) return null;
    let fast = head;
    let slow = head;
    while (fast !== tail && fast.next !== tail) {
        fast = fast.next.next;
        slow = slow.next;
    let root = new TreeNode(slow.val, dfs(head, slow), dfs(slow.next, tail));
    return root;



yetfan commented 2 years ago

思路 快慢指针找根节点,然后左链表断开 继续找左子树,右链表继续找右子树


class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        if not head:
            return None

        slow = head
        fast = head
        pre = None

        while fast and fast.next:
            pre = slow
            slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next.next

        root = TreeNode(slow.val)
        if pre:
            pre.next = None
            root.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)

        root.right = self.sortedListToBST(slow.next)

        return root

复杂度 时间O(nlogn) 空间O(logn)

Yutong-Dai commented 2 years ago
class Solution(object):
    def sortedListToBST(self, head):
        :type head: ListNode
        :rtype: TreeNode
        self.num_array = []
        while head:
            head = head.next
        num_elements = len(self.num_array)
        root = self.helper(0, num_elements-1)
        return root

    def helper(self, start, end):
        if start == end:
            return TreeNode(self.num_array[start], left= None, right=None)
        if start > end:
            return None
        mid_point = (end + start) >> 1
        root = TreeNode(self.num_array[mid_point], left= None, right=None)
        root.left = self.helper(start, mid_point-1)
        root.right = self.helper(mid_point+1, end)
        return root
zhangzz2015 commented 2 years ago



C++ Code:

class Solution {
    TreeNode* sortedListToBST(ListNode* head) {
        // method 1. Convert List to vector. Then generate. 

        if(head == NULL)
            return NULL; 
        vector<int> record; 
            head =head->next; 

        return dfs(record, 0, record.size()-1);

    TreeNode* dfs(vector<int>& record, int start, int end)
            return NULL; 
        int middle = start + (end - start)/2; 

        TreeNode* current = new TreeNode(record[middle]); 

        current->left = dfs(record, start, middle-1); 
        current->right =dfs(record, middle+1, end); 

        return current; 

class Solution {
    TreeNode* sortedListToBST(ListNode* head) {
        // method 1. Convert List to vector. Then generate. 

        if(head == NULL)
            return NULL; 
        int size =0;
        ListNode* current = head; 
            current =current->next; 

        return dfs(head, 0, size-1);

    TreeNode* dfs(ListNode* & head, int start, int end)
            return NULL; 
        int middle = start + (end - start)/2; 

        TreeNode* nodeleft = dfs(head, start, middle-1);
        TreeNode* current = new TreeNode(head->val);
        head = head->next; 
        TreeNode* noderight =dfs(head, middle+1, end); 
        current->left = nodeleft; 
        current->right = noderight; 
        return current; 

zwmanman commented 2 years ago


1.fast and slow node to find mid point 2.left will be left tree and right will be right tree

class Solution(object): def sortedListToBST(self, head): """ :type head: ListNode :rtype: TreeNode """ if not head: return None

    return self.dfs(head, None)

def dfs(self, head, tail):
    if head == tail:
        return None
    slow = head
    fast = head

    while fast != tail and fast.next != tail:
        slow = slow.next
        fast = fast.next.next

    root = TreeNode(slow.val)
    root.left = self.dfs(head, slow)
    root.right = self.dfs(slow.next, tail)
    return root
CoreJa commented 2 years ago




class Solution:
    # naive思路,遍历链表找中点,把链表截断分成左中右,递归构造树,
    # 复杂度O(nlogn),慢在每次要遍历链表
    def sortedListToBST1(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        if head is None:
            return None
        if head.next is None:
            return TreeNode(head.val)
        mid = end = head
        mid_pre = None

        while end and end.next:
            mid_pre = mid
            mid = mid.next
            end = end.next.next

        root = TreeNode(mid.val)
        if mid_pre:
            mid_pre.next = None
        root.left = self.sortedListToBST1(head)
        root.right = self.sortedListToBST1(mid.next)

        return root

    # 题解思路,根据链表长度提前把树构造好,直接中序遍历树填空即可
    # 因为链表顺序和中序遍历结果相同。复杂度O(n)
    def sortedListToBST2(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        p = head
        cnt = 0
        while p:
            cnt += 1
            p = p.next
        if cnt == 0:
            return None
        root = TreeNode()
        nodes = deque([root])
        i = 1
        while i < cnt:
            node = nodes.popleft()
            if i < cnt:
                node.left = TreeNode()
                i += 1
            if i < cnt:
                node.right = TreeNode()
                i += 1
        cur = head

        def mid_traverse(node):
            nonlocal cur
            if node.left:
            node.val = cur.val
            cur = cur.next
            if node.right:

        return root

    # 上述方法的优化,不再提前把树建好,而是边遍历边建
    def sortedListToBST3(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        cnt = 0
        p = head
        while p:
            cnt += 1
            p = p.next

        def build(left, right):
            if left > right:
                return None
            mid = (left + right) // 2
            root = TreeNode()
            root.left = build(left, mid - 1)
            nonlocal p
            root.val = p.val
            root.right = build(mid + 1, right)
            return root

        p = head
        return build(0, cnt - 1)

    # 偷懒思路,把链表转成列表,再套用上面的方法,O(n)
    def sortedListToBST4(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        p = head
        arr = []
        while p:
            p = p.next

        def merge(arr):
            if len(arr) == 0:
                return None
            mid = len(arr) // 2
            root = TreeNode(arr[mid])
            root.left = merge(arr[:mid])
            root.right = merge(arr[mid + 1:])
            return root

        return merge(arr)
ForLittleBeauty commented 2 years ago


  1. find the mid node, make it the tree root
  2. Make the left of the mid node to be the left child of the tree
  3. do the same to the right
  4. Do it recursively


# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.next = next
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.left = left
#         self.right = right
class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        if not head:
            return None
        if not head.next:
            return TreeNode(head.val)

        def findMid(head):
            slow = fast = head
            prev = None
            while fast and fast.next:
                prev = slow
                slow = slow.next
                fast = fast.next
                if fast.next:
                    fast = fast.next
            prev.next = None
            return slow

        mid = findMid(head)
        root = TreeNode(mid.val)
        root.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
        root.right = self.sortedListToBST(mid.next)
        return root

时间复杂度: O(nlogn)

空间复杂度: O(logn)

laofuWF commented 2 years ago
class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        if not head: return None
        if not head.next: return TreeNode(head.val)

        prev = head
        slow = head
        fast = head
        while fast and fast.next:
            prev = slow
            slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next.next

        node = TreeNode(slow.val)
        left = head
        right = slow.next
        prev.next = None

        node.left = self.sortedListToBST(left)
        node.right = self.sortedListToBST(right)

        return node
Tao-Mao commented 2 years ago


Use slow/fast pointers to get node in the middle, and refer to it as the root node of the treenode. Recursively doing the process.


 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * public class ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode next;
 *     ListNode() {}
 *     ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; }
 *     ListNode(int val, ListNode next) { this.val = val; this.next = next; }
 * }
 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * public class TreeNode {
 *     int val;
 *     TreeNode left;
 *     TreeNode right;
 *     TreeNode() {}
 *     TreeNode(int val) { this.val = val; }
 *     TreeNode(int val, TreeNode left, TreeNode right) {
 *         this.val = val;
 *         this.left = left;
 *         this.right = right;
 *     }
 * }
class Solution {
    public TreeNode sortedListToBST(ListNode head) {
        if (head == null) return null;
        if (head.next == null) return new TreeNode(head.val);
        ListNode slow = head;
        ListNode fast = head;
        ListNode tmp = slow;
        // System.out.print(tmp);
        while (fast != null && fast.next != null) {
            tmp = slow;
            slow = slow.next;
            fast = fast.next.next;

        tmp.next = null;
        // System.out.println(slow.val);
        TreeNode res = new TreeNode(slow.val);
        res.right = sortedListToBST(slow.next);
        res.left = sortedListToBST(head);

        return res;



Time: O(nlogn) Space: O(logn)

zjsuper commented 2 years ago
def sortedListToBST4(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
    p = head
    arr = []
    while p:
        p = p.next

    def merge(arr):
        if len(arr) == 0:
            return None
        mid = len(arr) // 2
        root = TreeNode(arr[mid])
        root.left = merge(arr[:mid])
        root.right = merge(arr[mid + 1:])
        return root

    return merge(arr)
Grendelta commented 2 years ago




    if not head:
        return head
    pre, slow, fast = None, head, head

    while fast and fast.next:
        fast = fast.next.next
        pre = slow
        slow = slow.next
    if pre:
        pre.next = None
    node = TreeNode(slow.val)
    if slow == fast:
        return node
    node.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
    node.right = self.sortedListToBST(slow.next)
    return node




wenjialu commented 2 years ago


函数:构造树 …递归函数返回条件… 找中点 以中点为root = TreeNode()
 lt = 中点前链表构建树 (调用函数 Rt = 中点后链表构建树 (调用函数 root.left = lt Root.right = rt 返回 root


class Solution: def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:

mid node as head, construct a tree.

    # store 2 list in two stack. (wrong, 不需要把节点存stack里面)
    #  我只要把中点找到,然后把左半部分链表传到构造树的函数里面,右半部分链表传到构造树的函数里面。
    #  root.left = 左半部分链表排好的。root.right = 右半部分链表排好的。
    slow, fast  = head, head
    pre = None

    # omg, 递归的边界条件又忘了。。。。递归三要素!!
    if not head:
    if not head.next: # 叶子节点,返回它自己!!
        return TreeNode(head.val) # ??? #解决33行Nonetype has no attribute 问题。

    while fast and fast.next:
        pre = slow # 记录slow前一个,也就是前半段链表的最后一个节点。
        slow = slow.next
        fast = fast.next.next
    # print(slow.val,left_stack)
    # print(pre, slow.val, fast.val)
    pre.next = None
    root = TreeNode(slow.val) # 每次递归都要TreeNode吗???
    left_tree = self.sortedListToBST( head )
    right_tree = self.sortedListToBST( slow.next )
    root.left = left_tree
    root.right = right_tree
    return root


时间复杂度:O(nlogn),其中 nn 是链表的长度。 设长度为 nn 的链表构造二叉搜索树的时间为 T(n)???,递推式为 T(n) = 2 \cdot T(n/2) + O(n)T(n)=2⋅T(n/2)+O(n),根据主定理,T(n) = O(n \log n)T(n)=O(nlogn)。

空间复杂度:O(\log n)O(logn),这里只计算除了返回答案之外的空间。平衡二叉树的高度为 O(\log n)O(logn),即为递归过程中栈的最大深度,也就是需要的空间。

Alexno1no2 commented 2 years ago

分析: 特里处理:如果head为空返回空,如果head.next为空返回值为head.val的树节点 用快慢指针找链表中间节点(slow每次走一步,fast每次走两步,循环停止时slow指向中间节点) 找中间节点时记录一下slow的前一个节点pre,后面将链表分成前后两部分时有使用到 创建树的根节点,把slow的值赋给它,并断开链表中间节点和左边子链表的连接 递归链表中间节点左右两边的子链表,找子链表的中间节点,再找子链表的子链表的中间节点,如此循环往复,直到符合特例处理的条件递归返回 复杂度: 时间复杂度:O(nlogn),每次递归找中点O(n),递归次数O(logn) 空间复杂度:O(logn),平衡二叉树的高度O(logn)

class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        if not head:
            return None
        elif not head.next:
            return TreeNode(head.val)

        pre, slow, fast = None, head, head
        while fast and fast.next:
            pre = slow
            slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next.next

        root = TreeNode(slow.val)
        pre.next = None

        root.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
        root.right = self.sortedListToBST(slow.next)
        return root
SHAO-Nuoya commented 2 years ago


class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        def getMedian(left: ListNode, right: ListNode) -> ListNode:
            fast = slow = left
            while fast != right and fast.next != right:
                fast = fast.next.next
                slow = slow.next
            return slow

        def buildTree(left: ListNode, right: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
            if left == right:
                return None
            mid = getMedian(left, right)
            root = TreeNode(mid.val)
            root.left = buildTree(left, mid)
            root.right = buildTree(mid.next, right)
            return root

        return buildTree(head, None)
ZhangNN2018 commented 2 years ago




# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.next = next
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.left = left
#         self.right = right
class Solution(object):
    def sortedListToBST(self, head):
        :type head: ListNode
        :rtype: TreeNode
        if not head:
        slow = head
        fast = head
        p = head
        while fast and fast.next:
            fast = fast.next.next
            p = slow
            slow = slow.next
        root = TreeNode(slow.val)
        if slow == fast:
            return root
        p.next = None
        next_head = slow.next
        root.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
        root.right = self.sortedListToBST(next_head)
        return root
moirobinzhang commented 2 years ago


public class Solution { public TreeNode SortedListToBST(ListNode head) { if (head == null) return null;

    return DFS(head, null);

public TreeNode DFS(ListNode head, ListNode tail)
    if (head == tail)
        return null;

    ListNode fastNode = head;
    ListNode slowNode = head;

    while(fastNode != tail && fastNode.next != tail)
        fastNode = fastNode.next.next;
        slowNode = slowNode.next;

    TreeNode currentRoot = new TreeNode(slowNode.val);
    currentRoot.left = DFS(head, slowNode);
    currentRoot.right = DFS(slowNode.next, tail);

    return currentRoot;


Laurence-try commented 2 years ago
class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        if not head:
            return head
        slow = head
        fast = head
        slow_pre = None
        while fast and fast.next:
            fast = fast.next.next
            slow_pre = slow
            slow = slow.next
        if slow_pre:
            slow_pre.next = None
        node = TreeNode(slow.val)
        if fast == slow:
            return node
        node.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
        node.right = self.sortedListToBST(slow.next)
        return node
xj-yan commented 2 years ago
class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        num = []
        while head:
            head = head.next
        return self.buildBST(0, len(num) - 1, num)

    def buildBST(self, start, end, num):
        if start > end: return None
        if start == end: return TreeNode(num[start])

        mid = (start + end) // 2
        root = TreeNode(num[mid])
        root.left = self.buildBST(start, mid - 1, num)
        root.right = self.buildBST(mid + 1, end, num)
        return root

Time Complexity: O(n), Space Complexity; O(n)

Liuxy94 commented 2 years ago


没思路 参考题解 快慢指针找重点 构造子树


# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.next = next
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.left = left
#         self.right = right
class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        if not head:
            return head
        pre, slow, fast = None, head, head

        while fast and fast.next:
            fast = fast.next.next
            pre = slow
            slow = slow.next
        if pre:
            pre.next = None
        node = TreeNode(slow.val)
        if slow == fast:
            return node
        node.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
        node.right = self.sortedListToBST(slow.next)
        return node


时间: O(nlogn)

空间: O(n)

q815101630 commented 2 years ago

Recursive Build

我们可以递归地实现: 因为最中间的必然是一个父节点

# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.next = next
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.left = left
#         self.right = right
class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        if not head:
            return None
        if not head.next:
            return TreeNode(head.val)

        slow = fast = head
        prev = None
        while fast and fast.next:
            fast = fast.next.next
            prev = slow
            slow = slow.next

        if prev:
            prev.next = None

        node = TreeNode(slow.val)
        node.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
        node.right = self.sortedListToBST(slow.next)

        return node

time: T(n) = 2*T(n/2)+O(n) => O(nlogn) Space: O(logn)

nonevsnull commented 2 years ago



class Solution {
    public TreeNode sortedListToBST(ListNode head) {
        return preOrder(head, null);

    public TreeNode preOrder(ListNode head, ListNode end) {
        if(head == null || head == end) return null;

        ListNode fast = head;
        ListNode slow = head;

        while(fast != end && fast.next != end) {
            slow = slow.next;
            fast = fast.next;
            if(fast != null) fast = fast.next;

        TreeNode root = new TreeNode(slow.val);
        root.left = preOrder(head, slow);
        root.right = preOrder(slow.next, end);

        return root;



time: O(NlogN) space: O(logN)

hdyhdy commented 2 years ago


 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * type ListNode struct {
 *     Val int
 *     Next *ListNode
 * }
 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * type TreeNode struct {
 *     Val int
 *     Left *TreeNode
 *     Right *TreeNode
 * }
func sortedListToBST(head *ListNode) *TreeNode {
    return buildTree(head, nil)

func getMedian(left,right *ListNode) *ListNode{
    fast, slow := left, left
    for fast != right && fast.Next != right {
        fast = fast.Next.Next
        slow = slow.Next
    return slow 

func buildTree (left,right *ListNode) *TreeNode{
    if left == right {
        return nil
    mid := getMedian(left, right)
    root := &TreeNode{mid.Val, nil, nil}
    root.Left = buildTree(left, mid)
    root.Right = buildTree(mid.Next, right)
    return root

时间复杂度O(nlogn) 空间为O(logn)

gentleman-goodman commented 2 years ago



    class Solution {
        public TreeNode sortedListToBST(ListNode head) {
            if (head == null) {
                return null;
            if (head.next == null) {
                return new TreeNode(head.val);
            * slow指向中点
            * */
            ListNode fast = head, slow = head,pre=null;
            while (fast!=null&&fast.next!=null){
                fast = fast.next.next;
                pre = slow;
                slow = slow.next;

            pre.next = null;

            ListNode rightList = slow.next;
            TreeNode root = new TreeNode(slow.val);
            root.left = sortedListToBST(head);
            root.right = sortedListToBST(rightList);
            return root;


iambigchen commented 2 years ago





JavaScript Code:

 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * function ListNode(val, next) {
 *     this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val)
 *     this.next = (next===undefined ? null : next)
 * }
 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * function TreeNode(val, left, right) {
 *     this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val)
 *     this.left = (left===undefined ? null : left)
 *     this.right = (right===undefined ? null : right)
 * }
 * @param {ListNode} head
 * @return {TreeNode}
var sortedListToBST = function(head) {
    if (!head) return null
    return dfs(head, null)

function dfs (head, tail) {
    if (head === tail) return null
    let fast = head
    let slow = head
    while(fast != tail && fast.next != tail) {
        fast = fast.next.next
        slow = slow.next
    let res = new TreeNode(slow.val)
    res.left = dfs(head, slow)
    res.right = dfs(slow.next, tail)
    return res


令 n 为数组长度。

Aobasyp commented 2 years ago

思路 使用快慢双指针可定位中间元素

class Solution { public TreeNode sortedListToBST(ListNode head) { if(head == null) return null; return dfs(head,null); } private TreeNode dfs(ListNode head, ListNode tail){ if(head == tail) return null; ListNode fast = head, slow = head; while(fast != tail && fast.next != tail){ fast = fast.next.next; slow = slow.next; } TreeNode root = new TreeNode(slow.val); root.left = dfs(head, slow); root.right = dfs(slow.next, tail); return root; } }

时间复杂度:O(N) 空间复杂度:O(1)

Myleswork commented 2 years ago





 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x, ListNode *next) : val(x), next(next) {}
 * };
 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * struct TreeNode {
 *     int val;
 *     TreeNode *left;
 *     TreeNode *right;
 *     TreeNode() : val(0), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}
 *     TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}
 *     TreeNode(int x, TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right) : val(x), left(left), right(right) {}
 * };
class Solution { 
    TreeNode* DFS(ListNode* head,ListNode* tail){
        if(head == tail) return nullptr;

        ListNode* slow = head;
        ListNode* fast = head;
        while(fast != tail && fast->next != tail){
            slow = slow->next;
            fast = fast->next->next;
        TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(slow->val);
        root->left = DFS(head,slow);        //二分注意边界
        root->right = DFS(slow->next,tail);
        return root;
    TreeNode* sortedListToBST(ListNode* head) {
        if(!head) return nullptr;
        return DFS(head,nullptr);





samaritan1998 commented 2 years ago


class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        def findmid(head, tail):
            slow = head
            fast = head
            while fast != tail and fast.next!= tail :
                slow = slow.next
                fast = fast.next.next
            return slow

        def helper(head, tail):
            if  head == tail: return 
            node = findmid(head, tail)
            root = TreeNode(node.val)
            root.left = helper(head, node)
            root.right = helper(node.next, tail)
            return root

        return helper(head, None)


递归函数为 helper(head,tail) 返回head至tail部分的根节点

Husky-Gong commented 2 years ago


  1. Use recursion to get left and right part, until it gets the minimum case
  2. minimum case: head == null || head.next == null
  3. get mid and left part and right part
  4. set left part as mid.left, set right as mid.right
  5. return root


class Solution {
    public TreeNode sortedListToBST(ListNode head) {
        // minimum case
        if (head == null){
            return null;

        if (head.next == null) {
            return new TreeNode(head.val);

        // get mid and left part and right part
        ListNode mid = getMid(head);
        ListNode treeRoot =  mid.next;
        ListNode rightPart = treeRoot.next;
        ListNode leftPart = head;
        mid.next = null;

        TreeNode root = new TreeNode(treeRoot.val);
        root.left = sortedListToBST(leftPart);
        root.right = sortedListToBST(rightPart);

        return root;

    private ListNode getMid(ListNode head) {
        ListNode slow = new ListNode(0);
        ListNode fast = new ListNode(0);

        slow.next = head;
        fast.next = head;

        while (fast.next != null && fast.next.next != null) {
            slow = slow.next;
            fast = fast.next.next;

        return slow;


Time Complexity: O(nlogn) -> divide Space Comlexity: O(n)

biaohuazhou commented 2 years ago


快慢指针 找到中位数 中位数本身做根节点 中位数左边做树的左边 中位数右边做树的右边


          class Solution {
        public TreeNode sortedListToBST(ListNode head) {
            if (head == null) {
                return null;
            if (head.next == null) {
                return new TreeNode(head.val);
            ListNode fast =head;
            ListNode slow =head;
            ListNode temp=null;
            //要用且 不能用或  用或就会造成空指针异常
            while (fast!=null && fast.next!=null){
            //slow的左边是树的左部  slow的右边是树的右边
            TreeNode root =new TreeNode(slow.val);
            return  root;

复杂度分析 时间复杂度: O(nlong(n)) n为链表的长度 空间复杂度:$O(long(n))$

KennethAlgol commented 2 years ago





 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * public class ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode next;
 *     ListNode() {}
 *     ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; }
 *     ListNode(int val, ListNode next) { this.val = val; this.next = next; }
 * }
 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * public class TreeNode {
 *     int val;
 *     TreeNode left;
 *     TreeNode right;
 *     TreeNode() {}
 *     TreeNode(int val) { this.val = val; }
 *     TreeNode(int val, TreeNode left, TreeNode right) {
 *         this.val = val;
 *         this.left = left;
 *         this.right = right;
 *     }
 * }
class Solution {
    public TreeNode sortedListToBST(ListNode head) {
        if (head == null) {
            return null;

        if (head.next == null) {
            return new TreeNode(head.val);

        // 快慢指针找中心节点
        ListNode x = head, y = head, pre = null;
        while (y != null && y.next != null) {
            pre = x;
            x = x.next;
            y = y.next.next;
        pre.next = null;

        // 以升序链表的中间元素作为根节点 root,递归的构建 root 的左子树与右子树。
        TreeNode root = new TreeNode(x.val);
        root.left = sortedListToBST(head);
        root.right = sortedListToBST(x.next);
        return root;


时间复杂度 O(n) 空间复杂度 O(n)

feifan-bai commented 2 years ago


  1. fast moves two step, slow moves one step, to get the mid of the list
  2. buld the tree with mid, (left, mid), (mid.next, right) 代码

    class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        def getMedian(left: ListNode, right: ListNode) -> ListNode:
            fast = slow = left
            while fast != right and fast.next != right:
                fast = fast.next.next
                slow = slow.next
            return slow
        def buildTree(left: ListNode, right: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
            if left == right:
                return None
            mid = getMedian(left, right)
            root = TreeNode(mid.val)
            root.left = buildTree(left, mid)
            root.right = buildTree(mid.next, right)
            return root
        return buildTree(head, None)


    • 时间复杂度:O(NlogN)
    • 空间复杂度:O(N)
shamworld commented 2 years ago




var sortedListToBST = function(head) {
    if(!head) return null;
    function deep(left,right){
        if(left==right)return null;
        let fast = left,slow = left;
            fast = fast.next.next;
            slow = slow.next;
        let root = new TreeNode(slow.val);
        root.left = deep(left,slow);
        root.right = deep(slow.next,right);

        return root;
    return deep(head,null);


lingli10822 commented 2 years ago

递归思想,每次只处理当前treenode。 basecase:当前节点为空或当前节点下一节点为空。 难点,需要找到当前treenode,所以需要快慢指针。

def sortedListToBST(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        if not head:
        if not head.next:
            return TreeNode(head.val)
        pre = None 
        slow  = fast = head
        while fast and fast.next:
            pre = slow
            fast = fast.next.next
            slow = slow.next

        new_h = slow.next
        pre.next = None
        node = TreeNode(slow.val)
        node.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
        node.right = self.sortedListToBST(new_h)
        return node
LuoXingbiao commented 2 years ago


二叉搜索树的中序遍历是一个升序数组,那么构造一个二叉搜索树只需对一个升序数组进行如下操作: 1)找到当前链表的中间节点2)中间节点作为根节点3)以中间节点分隔左右两侧的链表,递归构建左右子树。


class Solution {
    public TreeNode sortedListToBST(ListNode head) {
        if(head == null){
            return null;
        if(head.next == null){
            return new TreeNode(head.val);

        ListNode pre = head;
        ListNode p = pre.next;
        ListNode q = p.next;

        while(q!=null && q.next!=null){
            pre = pre.next;
            p = p.next;
            q = q.next.next;

        pre.next = null;
        TreeNode root = new TreeNode(p.val);

        root.left = sortedListToBST(head);
        root.right = sortedListToBST(p.next);

        return root;




TimmmYang commented 2 years ago




class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        vals = []
        while head:
            head = head.next
        def constructBST(left, right):
            if left > right:
            mid = (left + right) // 2
            node = TreeNode(vals[mid])
            node.left = constructBST(left, mid-1)
            node.right = constructBST(mid+1, right)
            return node
        return constructBST(0, len(vals)-1)


时间:O(N) N是链表长度。 空间:O(logN)

1149004121 commented 2 years ago

109. 有序链表转换二叉搜索树




    var sortedListToBST = function(head) {
        let arr = [];
        let cur = head;
            cur = cur.next;
        return dfs(arr, 0, arr.length - 1);

    function dfs(arr, left, right){
        if(left > right) return null;
        let mid = (left + right) >>> 1;
        let root = arr[mid];
        root.left = dfs(arr, left, mid - 1);
        root.right = dfs(arr, mid + 1, right);
        return root;


ZacheryCao commented 2 years ago


DFS. Every time find current linkedlinst's mid point, build its corresponding treenode. Then, seperate the linked list to two parts, the first part's tail is the node before the mid node. The second part's head is the node next to mid node. Current treenode's left side is built on the first part linked list. It's right side is built on the second part linked list. Recursively these steps until there is no lniked list or only one element in the linkedlist.


class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
        if not head:
            return None
        if not head.next:
            return TreeNode(head.val)
        first, second = head, head
        pre = None
        while second and second.next:
            pre = first
            first = first.next
            second = second.next.next
        second = first.next
        root = TreeNode(first.val)
        pre.next = None
        first = head
        root.left = self.sortedListToBST(first)
        root.right = self.sortedListToBST(second)
        return root


Time: O(NlogN) Space: O(logN)

charlestang commented 2 years ago






class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        # 1. 边界条件
        if not head: return None
        if not head.next: return TreeNode(val=head.val)

        # 2. 分割
        p = slow = fast = head
        while fast and fast.next:
            slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next.next
        while p.next != slow:
            p = p.next
        p.next = None

        root = TreeNode(slow.val)
        root.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
        root.right = self.sortedListToBST(slow.next)

        return root


ginnydyy commented 2 years ago





 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * public class ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode next;
 *     ListNode() {}
 *     ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; }
 *     ListNode(int val, ListNode next) { this.val = val; this.next = next; }
 * }
 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * public class TreeNode {
 *     int val;
 *     TreeNode left;
 *     TreeNode right;
 *     TreeNode() {}
 *     TreeNode(int val) { this.val = val; }
 *     TreeNode(int val, TreeNode left, TreeNode right) {
 *         this.val = val;
 *         this.left = left;
 *         this.right = right;
 *     }
 * }
class Solution {
    public TreeNode sortedListToBST(ListNode head) {
        if(head == null){
            return null;

        if(head.next == null){
            return new TreeNode(head.val);

        return helper(head, null);

    private TreeNode helper(ListNode head, ListNode tail){
        if(head == tail){
            return null;
        // find middle node
        ListNode slow = head;
        ListNode fast = head;
        while(fast != tail && fast.next != tail){
            slow = slow.next;
            fast = fast.next.next;
        // slow is the middle
        TreeNode root = new TreeNode(slow.val);
        root.left = helper(head, slow);
        root.right= helper(slow.next, tail);

        return root;



tangjy149 commented 2 years ago




 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x, ListNode *next) : val(x), next(next) {}
 * };
 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * struct TreeNode {
 *     int val;
 *     TreeNode *left;
 *     TreeNode *right;
 *     TreeNode() : val(0), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}
 *     TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}
 *     TreeNode(int x, TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right) : val(x), left(left), right(right) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    TreeNode* sortedListToBST(ListNode* head) {
        if(head==nullptr) return nullptr;
        return dfs(head,nullptr);

    TreeNode* dfs(ListNode* start,ListNode* end){
        if(start==end) return nullptr;
        // 快慢指针寻找中间节点
        ListNode *ptr1=start;
        ListNode *ptr2=start;
        // 生成左右子树
        TreeNode* node=new TreeNode(ptr2->val);
        return node;



Flower-F commented 2 years ago




 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * function ListNode(val, next) {
 *     this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val)
 *     this.next = (next===undefined ? null : next)
 * }
 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * function TreeNode(val, left, right) {
 *     this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val)
 *     this.left = (left===undefined ? null : left)
 *     this.right = (right===undefined ? null : right)
 * }
 * @param {ListNode} head
 * @return {TreeNode}
var sortedListToBST = function(head) {
    if (!head) {
        return null;
    return dfs(head, null);

    function dfs(head, tail) {
        if (head === tail) {
            return null;

        // 查找链表中点
        let slow, fast;
        slow = fast = head;
        while (fast !== tail && fast.next !== tail) {
            fast = fast.next.next;
            slow = slow.next;
        // 此时慢指针即为中点
        const root = new TreeNode(slow.val);

        // 递归构建左子树
        root.left = dfs(head, slow);
        // 右子树
        root.right = dfs(slow.next, tail);

        return root;


设链表长度为 n 时间:递归树的深度为 logn,每一层的基本操作数为 n,因此总的时间复杂度为 O(nlogn) 空间:O(logn)

phybrain commented 2 years ago




class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        link_list = []
        while head is not None:
            val = head.val
            head = head.next

        def dfs(link_list,l,r):
            if l>r:
            mid = int((r-l)/2)+l
            node = TreeNode(link_list[mid])
            right = dfs(link_list,mid+1,r)
            left = dfs(link_list,l,mid-1)
            node.left = left
            node.right = right
            return node
        return dfs(link_list,0,len(link_list)-1)


ZJP1483469269 commented 2 years ago
# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.next = next
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.left = left
#         self.right = right
class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        if not head:
            return head
        pre , slow , fast = None , head , head
        while fast and fast.next:
            fast = fast.next.next
            pre = slow
            slow = slow.next
        if pre:
            pre.next = None
        node = TreeNode(slow.val)
        if slow == fast:
            return node
        node.left = self.sortedListToBST(head)
        node.right = self.sortedListToBST(slow.next)
        return node
Bochengwan commented 2 years ago




class Solution:
    def sortedListToBST(self, head: ListNode) -> TreeNode:
        if not head:
            return None
        if not head.next:
            return TreeNode(head.val)
        prev = None
        slow = fast = head
        while fast and fast.next:
            prev = slow
            slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next.next
        prev.next = None

        return TreeNode(slow.val,self.sortedListToBST(head),self.sortedListToBST(slow.next))
