lefthandedgoat / canopy

f# web automation and testing library, built on top of Selenium (friendly to c# also)
MIT License
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Chrome Headless? #497

Closed Eji1700 closed 4 years ago

Eji1700 commented 4 years ago

To keep this brief I followed the super basic example here: http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/ and it worked. Great.

I'd like for my system to run headless. After reading around this should just be start ChromeHeadless, however it says it's not defined.

After digging through documentation and issue requests I see various references to things like 'start Chrome' instead of 'start chrome', so is Headless browsing no longer supported, not supported for just chrome, not supported at all, or i'm just missing something?

Looking through the list of config options here https://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy//Docs/configuration.html makes me think that it is supported, just by virtue of acceptInsecureSslCerts mentioning it, but I could also see that just being a missed reference to a removed functionality?

Eji1700 commented 4 years ago

Missed it in the types section. Nevermind. That said it's still super confusing that the default example gives things like "start chrome" and yet by opening types you gain access to "start Chrome"