Closed adalenthya closed 4 years ago
Hi Oliver, Not sure how these 2 are related. In the meantime I did succeed to disable the LiveHTMLReporter screenshots and still save screenshots separately in a folder for each failed test.
Still struggling to change the "failScreenshotFileName" to include the context or the test file in it's name.
type OneTimeTestsSetupClass() =
member this.OneTimeSetup() =
printfn "Commercial Cafe ILS ===> OneTimeSetup"
failScreenshotPath <- AppConfig.HtmlReportPath+"FailureScreenshots" //path to screenshots generated for failed tests in LiveHtmlReporter
onFail (fun _ ->
let screenshotFileName = [failed context or failed suite or failed test]+DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM-d_HH-mm-ss-fff")
screenshot failScreenshotPath screenshotFileName
|> ignore
You may have to show me how you are getting unit to work with LiveHTMLReporter.
You are probably keeping an instance of it and calling the methods on it as things happen in NUnit. When you call or the context variant just pass an empty array as the screenshot and that should fix the report problem, and instead just save a screenshot to disk that you can manage later.
Nunit has TestContext.CurrentContext
which may give you what you need to make your screenshot file names better.
Using the let screenshotFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM-d_HH-mm-ss-fff ")+TestContext.CurrentContext.ToString() doesn't do the trick. I tried variants such as: TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.FullName TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.MethodName without success, they never return the name of the failed test/context.
This is my OneTimeSetup.fs
type OneTimeTestsSetupClass() =
member this.OneTimeSetup() =
printfn "Commercial Cafe ILS ===> OneTimeSetup"
failScreenshotPath <- AppConfig.HtmlReportPath+"FailureScreenshots" //path to screenshots generated for failed tests in LiveHtmlReporter
onFail (fun _ ->
let screenshotFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM-d_HH-mm-ss-fff ")
screenshot failScreenshotPath screenshotFileName
|> ignore
member this.OneTimeTearDown() =
printfn "Commercial Cafe ILS ===> OneTimeTearDown"
pageTimeout <- 20.0
elementTimeout <- 8.0
skipRemainingTestsInContextOnFailure <- true
let mutable driverPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)
chromeDir <- driverPath
safariDir <- driverPath
ieDir <- driverPath
edgeDir <- driverPath
failureScreenshotsEnabled <- false //LiveHtmlReporter excludes screenshots
reporter <- new LiveHtmlReporter(Chrome, chromeDir) :> IReporter
let liveHtmlReporter = reporter :?> LiveHtmlReporter
liveHtmlReporter.reportTemplateUrl <- AppConfig.WebReportURL
let path = AppConfig.HtmlReportPath + "Canopy Automation Test Report - " + AppConfig.Environment + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM-d-yy_H-mm-ss-fff")
liveHtmlReporter.reportPath <- Some path
And this is the test in ILSHomePage.fs intended to Fail:
type ILSHomeTestClass() =
inherit BaseTest.BaseTestClass()
member this.ILSHome () =
for testName in ILSDataTypesForTests.rowsILSHome do
match testName.testName with
|"VisitAndVerifyILSHome" -> this.VisitAndVerifyILSHome(testName.input1)
| _ -> ()
member this.VisitAndVerifyILSHome (inputtitle) =
context "[ILSHomePage.fs][Test:VisitAndVerifyILSHome] Verify ILS Home Page is loaded "
"Start Test" &&& fun _ ->
TestContext.Progress.WriteLine("Running TEST ===> VisitAndVerifyILSHome")
TestContext.Progress.WriteLine("INPUT Data ===>" + " Global Page Title:" + inputtitle)
"Verify the Global Page Title on Home Page is: "+inputtitle &&& fun _ ->
highlight GlobalPageTitle
GlobalPageTitle == inputtitle
Currently I'm saving all the screenshots in the
I think you need a [TearDown]
and in it you can look at the test context and if its a failure do a screenshot and it will have the correct test names etc.
I figure it out!
I added the "onfail(fun -> )" in my BaseTestClass which is inherited by all the
module BaseTest
type BaseTestClass() =
member this.TearDown() =
let currentTestName = TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name
onFail (fun _ ->
let screenshotFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM-d_HH-mm-ss_")+currentTestName
screenshot failScreenshotPath screenshotFileName
|> ignore
context "Force closing current browser!"
How can I get the LiveHtmlReporter to not include screenshots, BUT still save the screenshots to a specific location with a specific given name? Reason: When I have multiple failed tests (i'm using Nunit with Canopy), I get a LiveHtmlReporter file >20MB, that I'm unable to send via email to my leader. I need the screenshots, even if they are not included in the LiveHtmlReporter file. The failScreenshotFileName also needs to include the name of my test (the "context") otherwise I can't match it with the failed test. Could you please help me out with a solution for this?
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