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Please do an episode on Reactive Programming #225

Open bert-laverman opened 1 year ago

bert-laverman commented 1 year ago


This is for "C++Weekly"



I think this warrants more than just 5 minutes, if only because I don't see much content about this subject in combination with C++.

YarikTH commented 1 year ago

It is very hard topic starting from the definition itself. And there are at least 2 flavors:

For the first there are at least official implementation and some alternatives under development.

For the second I can't find any mature solution used for lots of people. All projects are either under development or abandoned.

It's kinda funny that author of FRP is not happy both with the name itself and with "so called FRP libraries". https://github.com/conal/talk-2015-essence-and-origins-of-frp While his attempts to describe what he meant by FRP are so overflown with complex math terminology that mere mortal programmers can't comprehend it including myself.