leftstick / teams-ubuntu

Microsoft teams for ubuntu platforms
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Update readme file to get started #16

Open ipawanktiwari opened 5 years ago

ipawanktiwari commented 5 years ago


I'm facing issues to start the teams. I have downloaded the zip and extracted it. Not sure how can I start this software. Please update readme file with clear steps to get started.


gabrielpossamai commented 5 years ago


I solved this by creating a .desktop file...

First, extract the .zip file, rename the extracted folder to MicrosoftTeams and move the folder to /opt. (sudo nautilus is needed to move to that folder) This isn't required, but is the default location... You can use another path if do you prefer...

And then, create a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications with the follows steps: 1 - Open the terminal 2 - Type nano ~/.local/share/applications/MicrosoftTeams.desktop to create the .desktop file 3 - Paste this code: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Microsoft Teams Exec="/opt/MicrosoftTeams/Microsoft Teams" Icon=/opt/MicrosoftTeams/resources/app/favicon-9c67d4dc.ico Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Network; (replace the Exec and Icon items with your extracted folder path) 4 - Save your file (ctrl + o) and exit (ctrl + x)

Now you can open the Microsoft Teams by the Start Menu