leftwm / leftwm

A tiling window manager for Adventurers
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A few issues with leftwm (system update) #758

Closed Dev380 closed 2 years ago

Dev380 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug I used leftwm with the basic_polybar template. After a system update, a lot of things broke. What it should do is load everything correctly, with polybar being transparent and allowing me to click on workspaces in polybar to use them. However, I can only use keybinds to switch workspaces, and polybar is black and not transparent. I have not touched polybar config. Also, the new updates made leftwm only connect to my moniter (I have a moniter and a laptop screen) but it might not be related to leftwm. This part of up seems to have caused an error about "command-0.pipe" not being found even though I used grep to find all instances of it and it did not show up anywhere in the theme directory.

#down the last running theme
if [ -f "/tmp/leftwm-theme-down" ]; then
    rm /tmp/leftwm-theme-down
ln -s $SCRIPTPATH/down /tmp/leftwm-theme-down

Expected behavior Polybar is transparent, you can click on the workspace numbers and it'll go to that workspace, computer moniter working. Screenshots

Has this red border, I think this means it failed to load something? img-2022-05-06-164449



VuiMuich commented 2 years ago

Welcome adventurer! I am sorry about your issues, I'll try to separate them a bit:

kthomas422 commented 2 years ago

I also had the workspaces not being clickable in polybar (everything else on polybar was working). The solution for me was to have the change_to_tag script in the theme directory match the git repo (https://github.com/leftwm/leftwm-contrib/tree/main/examples/basic_polybar).


echo "SendWorkspaceToTag $1 $2" > $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/leftwm/commands.pipe


leftwm-command "SendWorkspaceToTag $1 $2"
Dev380 commented 2 years ago

@VuiMuich The major issues (transparency, moniters) were actually not related to leftwm but was caused by a driver blacklist that got auto-added for some reason, so now the only issues are red border and unclickable polybar.

Here's up:


export SCRIPTPATH="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )"

#down the last running theme
if [ -f "/tmp/leftwm-theme-down" ]; then
    rm /tmp/leftwm-theme-down
ln -s $SCRIPTPATH/down /tmp/leftwm-theme-down

#boot picom or compton if it exists
if [ -x "$(command -v picom)" ]; then
  picom &> /dev/null &
elif [ -x "$(command -v compton)" ]; then
  compton &> /dev/null &

#set the theme.toml config
leftwm-command "LoadTheme $SCRIPTPATH/theme.toml"

#set background
if [ -x "$(command -v feh)" ]; then
  feh --bg-scale $SCRIPTPATH/background.webp

monitors="$(polybar -m | sed s/:.*//)"
leftwm-state -q -n -t $SCRIPTPATH/sizes.liquid | sed -r '/^\s*$/d' | while read -r width x y
  let indextemp=index+1
  monitor=$(sed "$indextemp!d" <<<"$monitors")
  monitor=$monitor offset=$x width=$width polybar -c $SCRIPTPATH/polybar.config $barname &> /dev/null &
  let index=indextemp

@kthomas422 don't think that's the issue:

❯ cat change_to_tag

leftwm-command "SendWorkspaceToTag $1 $2"
VuiMuich commented 2 years ago

🤔 Can you please add your theme.toml? And what do get for ls -l ~/.config/leftwm/theme?

Dev380 commented 2 years ago
ls -l ~/.config/leftwm/theme
ls: cannot access '/home/me/.config/leftwm/theme': No such file or directory

However, with .config/leftwm/themes/current

lrwxrwxrwx 1 me me 44 May  6 18:05 /home/me/.config/leftwm/themes/current -> /home/me/leftwm/themes/basic_polybar//


border_width = 1
margin = 20
default_border_color = "#222222"
floating_border_color = "#005500"
focused_border_color = "#FFB53A"
VuiMuich commented 2 years ago

🤦🏼‍♂️ missing the s at the end of the path was stupid.

What looks odd to me now is the additional / in your symlink, if this isn't some copy-paste error/typo.

The theme file looks ok.

Dev380 commented 2 years ago

I dunno why that happens, I created the symlink with Dolphin, and recreated it when I started having this problem, both times this happens. I dunno if it's because the theme failed to load, my background image and polybar config is working fine.

VuiMuich commented 2 years ago

can you please try this:

cd ~/.config/leftwm/themes/
rm ./currrent
ln -s $(pwd)/basic_polybar current

Symlink should look like this:

lrwxrwxrwx  1 vuimuich vuimuich   43 Mar 23 19:29  current -> /home/vuimuich/.config/leftwm/themes/basic_polybar
Dev380 commented 2 years ago
❯ cd ~/.config/leftwm/theme/
cd: The directory “/home/me/.config/leftwm/theme/” does not exist

So I used .config/leftwm/themes

❯ rm ./current


❯ ln -s ~/leftwm/themes/basic_polybar/ ~/.config/leftwm/themes/current


❯ ls

❯ ls -l current
lrwxrwxrwx 1 me me 44 May 25 13:18 current -> /home/me/leftwm/themes/basic_polybar//

unfortunately it still does this

VuiMuich commented 2 years ago

But this should be:

- ln -s ~/leftwm/themes/basic_polybar/ ~/.config/leftwm/themes/current
+ ln -s ~/.config/leftwm/themes/basic_polybar/ ./current

with your pwd == /home/me/.config/leftwm/themes

No idea though, why you get those double slashes at the end of the path. What do you get for ls ./current? Which shell are you using btw.?

hertg commented 2 years ago

Seems like a configuration issue to me, closing it now. Please reopen if there's an actual underlying LeftWM issue