legacybass / Jeopardy

HTML5 Project to mimic the TV gameshow Jeopardy
MIT License
25 stars 11 forks source link

404 error #6

Open brw31415 opened 6 years ago

brw31415 commented 6 years ago

issue is when i try to create new questions, mongo is running, but thats all, i haven't configured anything

======================================================================= Express server listening on port 3000. GET / 200 213.519 ms - 1313 GET /public/js/viewmodels/Contestant/LoginViewModel.js 404 17.534 ms - 62 (node:18488) DeprecationWarning: Mongoose: mpromise (mongoose's default promise library) is deprecated, plug in your own promise library instead: http://mongoosejs.com/docs/promises.html POST /api/Home 200 1332.355 ms - 49 POST /api/Home/Login 200 657.219 ms - 40 GET /api/Data/Categories?required=&userid=5b0213d56859a14838b96d7a& 200 8.190 ms - 2 (node:18488) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (node:18488) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. POST /api/Data/Categories 200 10.463 ms - 352 POST /api/Data/Questions/5b02145d6859a14838b96d7c 200 11.547 ms - 113 GET /api/Data/Categories?required=&userid=5b0213d56859a14838b96d7a& 200 21.037 ms - 441 POST /api/Home/Login 200 860.662 ms - 40 POST /api/Data/Categories - - ms - - GET /api/Data/Categories?required=&userid=5b0213d56859a14838b96d7a& 304 12.032 ms - - GET /public/js/sockets/game.js 404 1.939 ms - 38 GET /public/js/sockets/chat.js 404 1.075 ms - 38 GET /polyfills/promise-6.0.0.min.js.map 404 0.985 ms - 47 GET /api/Data/Categories?required=&userid=5b0213d56859a14838b96d7a& 304 6.160 ms - - POST /api/Data/Categories 200 10.091 ms - 386 POST /api/Data/Questions/5b0216bb6859a14838b96d7e 200 6.081 ms - 120


[Sun May 20 2018 20:46:32 GMT-0400 (EDT)] #main runRoute post # sammy.js:5 [Sun May 20 2018 20:46:32 GMT-0400 (EDT)] #main 404 Not Found post # Error: 404 Not Found post # at Sammy.Application.error (sammy.js:5) at Sammy.Application.notFound (sammy.js:5) at Sammy.Application.runRoute (sammy.js:5) at Sammy.Application._checkFormSubmission (sammy.js:5) at context_prototype. (sammy.js:5) at HTMLDivElement.listener_callback (sammy.js:5) at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (jquery-2.1.1.min.js:3) at HTMLDivElement.r.handle (jquery-2.1.1.min.js:3)

legacybass commented 6 years ago

It looks like you’re working off the current master branch, which was my attempt to make a 2.0 version of the game. Unfortunately other priorities took over and I never had the time to finish it. There are likely loads of bugs and errors, and I’m not sure I really ever had it working properly (or even at all). I have been considering rewriting it using React/Redux and make it usable, but I still haven’t had the time or drive to do so.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help. You’re more than welcome to create a pull request if you’d like to create a fix, but I believe at minimum that version of the software is dead.