legacysurvey / legacypipe

Image reduction pipeline for the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys, using the Tractor framework
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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fix and update Tractor catalog (FITS) headers #275

Closed moustakas closed 5 years ago

moustakas commented 5 years ago

The FITS headers written out with the Tractor catalogs need some work. (I've included an example header from dr8b in its entirety below.)

Problems and questions:

Strongly recommended keyword changes (more survey agnostic):

Proposed keyword changes (for clarity):

Proposed new keywords:

Additional proposed changes and checks:

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             
BITPIX  =                   16 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of data axes                            
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
COMMENT Data product of the DECam Legacy Survey (DECaLS)                        
COMMENT Full documentation at http://legacysurvey.org                           
LEGPIPEV= 'dr8-test10-159-ga885bb45' / legacypipe git version                   
SURVEYV = '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr8b/runbrick-de'
DECALSDR= 'DR8     '           / DECaLS release name                            
DECALSDT= '2019-03-13T07:50:24.191971' / runbrick.py run time                   
SURVEY  = 'DECaLS+MzLS+BASS'   / Legacy Surveys                                 
SURVEYID= 'DECaLS BASS MzLS'   / Survey name                                    
DRVERSIO=                 8000 / Survey data release number                     
OBSTYPE = 'object  '           / Observation type                               
PROCTYPE= 'tile    '           / Processing type                                
HOSTNAME= 'nid01884'           / Machine where runbrick.py was run              
HOSTFQDN= 'nid01884'           / Machine where runbrick.py was run              
NERSC   = 'edison  '           / NERSC machine where runbrick.py was run        
JOB_ID  = '12647417'           / SLURM job id                                   
ARRAY_ID= 'none    '           / SLURM job array id                             
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / CONTINUE cards are used                        
UNWISD1 = '/global/projecta/projectdirs/cosmo/work/wise/outputs/merge/neo4/full'
UNWISD2 = '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise-coadds/'
UNWISTD = '/global/projecta/projectdirs/cosmo/work/wise/outputs/merge/neo4' / un
DEPNAM00= 'desiconda'          / Dependency name                                
DEPVER00= '20190311-1.2.7-img' / Dependency version                             
DEPNAM01= 'astropy '           / Dependency name                                
DEPVER01= '2.0.9   '           / Dependency version                             
DEPNAM02= 'matplotlib'         / Dependency name                                
DEPVER02= '2.1.2   '           / Dependency version                             
DEPNAM03= 'mkl     '           / Dependency name                                
DEPVER03= '2019.1  '           / Dependency version                             
DEPNAM04= 'numpy   '           / Dependency name                                
DEPVER04= '1.16.2  '           / Dependency version                             
DEPNAM05= 'python  '           / Dependency name                                
DEPVER05= '3.6.6   '           / Dependency version                             
DEPNAM06= 'scipy   '           / Dependency name                                
DEPVER06= '1.2.1   '           / Dependency version                             
DEPNAM07= 'astrometry'         / Dependency name                                
DEPVER07= '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr8b/code/build&'
CONTINUE  '/edison/lib/python3.6/site-packages/astrometry'                      
DEPNAM08= 'tractor '           / Dependency name                                
DEPVER08= '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/work/legacysurvey/dr8b/code/build&'
CONTINUE  '/edison/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tractor'                         
DEPNAM09= 'fitsio  '           / Dependency name                                
DEPVER09= '/global/common/software/desi/cori/desiconda/20190311-1.2.7-img/cond&'
CONTINUE  'a/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fitsio'                                
DEPNAM10= 'TYCHO2_KD'          / Dependency name                                
DEPVER10= '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/staging/tycho2' / Dependency versio
DEPNAM11= 'GAIA_CAT'           / Dependency name                                
DEPVER11= '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/work/gaia/chunks-gaia-dr2-astrom/' 
DEPNAM12= 'LARGEGALAXIES'      / Dependency name                                
DEPVER12= '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/staging/largegalaxies/v2.0' / Depen
DEPNAM13= 'WISE_PSF'           / Dependency name                                
DEPVER13= '/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/staging/unwise_psf/2018-11-25/etc' 
DEPNAM14= 'unwise  '           / Dependency name                                
DEPVER14= '/global/projecta/projectdirs/cosmo/work/wise/outputs/merge/neo4/ful&'
CONTINUE  'ldepth:/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/unwise/allwise/unwise&'
CONTINUE  '-coadds/fulldepth'                                                   
DEPNAM15= 'unwise_tr'          / Dependency name                                
DEPVER15= '/global/projecta/projectdirs/cosmo/work/wise/outputs/merge/neo4' / De
BRICKNAM= '0001m002'           / LegacySurvey brick RRRr[pm]DDd                 
BRICKID =               328928 / LegacySurvey brick id                          
RAMIN   =                   0. / Brick RA min                                   
RAMAX   =                 0.25 / Brick RA max                                   
DECMIN  =               -0.375 / Brick Dec min                                  
DECMAX  =               -0.125 / Brick Dec max                                  
BRICKRA =                0.125 / Brick center                                   
BRICKDEC=                -0.25 / Brick center                                   
RA      = '00:00:30.000'       / [h] RA Brick center                            
DEC     = '-00:15:00.000'      / [deg] Dec Brick center                         
CENTRA  =                0.125 / [deg] Brick center RA                          
CENTDEC =                -0.25 / [deg] Brick center Dec                         
CORN1RA =    0.255965935903178 / [deg] Brick corner RA                          
CORN1DEC=   -0.380962387829748 / [deg] Brick corner Dec                         
CORN2RA =     359.994034064097 / [deg] Brick corner RA                          
CORN2DEC=   -0.380962387829748 / [deg] Brick corner Dec                         
CORN3RA =     359.994036676442 / [deg] Brick corner RA                          
CORN3DEC=   -0.119036306008142 / [deg] Brick corner Dec                         
CORN4RA =    0.255963323557502 / [deg] Brick corner RA                          
CORN4DEC=   -0.119036306008142 / [deg] Brick corner Dec                         
BRICK_G =                    T / Does band g touch this brick?                  
CAMS_G  = 'decam   '           / Cameras contributing band g                    
BRICK_R =                    T / Does band r touch this brick?                  
CAMS_R  = 'decam   '           / Cameras contributing band r                    
BRICK_Z =                    T / Does band z touch this brick?                  
CAMS_Z  = 'decam   '           / Cameras contributing band z                    
BRICKBND= 'grz     '           / Bands touching this brick                      
NBANDS  =                    3 / Number of bands in this catalog                
BAND0   = 'g       '           / Band name in this catalog                      
BAND1   = 'r       '           / Band name in this catalog                      
BAND2   = 'z       '           / Band name in this catalog                      
PRODTYPE= 'catalog '           / NOAO data product type                         
APRAD0  =                  0.5 / Aperture radius, in arcsec                     
APRAD1  =                 0.75 / Aperture radius, in arcsec                     
APRAD2  =                   1. / Aperture radius, in arcsec                     
APRAD3  =                  1.5 / Aperture radius, in arcsec                     
APRAD4  =                   2. / Aperture radius, in arcsec                     
APRAD5  =                  3.5 / Aperture radius, in arcsec                     
APRAD6  =                   5. / Aperture radius, in arcsec                     
APRAD7  =                   7. / Aperture radius, in arcsec                     
MASKB0  = 'badpix  '           / Mask bit 2**0=1 meaning                        
MASKB1  = 'satur   '           / Mask bit 2**1=2 meaning                        
MASKB2  = 'interp  '           / Mask bit 2**2=4 meaning                        
MASKB4  = 'cr      '           / Mask bit 2**4=16 meaning                       
MASKB6  = 'bleed   '           / Mask bit 2**6=64 meaning                       
MASKB7  = 'trans   '           / Mask bit 2**7=128 meaning                      
MASKB8  = 'edge    '           / Mask bit 2**8=256 meaning                      
MASKB9  = 'edge2   '           / Mask bit 2**9=512 meaning                      
MASKB10 = 'longthin'           / Mask bit 2**10=1024 meaning                    
MASKB11 = 'outlier '           / Mask bit 2**11=2048 meaning                    
WISEAB1 =                2.699 / WISE Vega to AB conv for band 1                
WISEAB2 =                3.339 / WISE Vega to AB conv for band 2                
WISEAB3 =                5.174 / WISE Vega to AB conv for band 3                
WISEAB4 =                 6.62 / WISE Vega to AB conv for band 4                
bradlyke commented 5 years ago


bradlyke commented 5 years ago

Coadds/Image files

moustakas commented 5 years ago

Largely addressed by #298. Additional fixes are being tracked in #314 and #320.