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interpret github issues to automatically generate credit artefact #113

Open mengwong opened 8 years ago

mengwong commented 8 years ago

a credit artefact could be a single or multipage PDF intended for realization on paper as a poster, or as a t-shirt.

this artefact could then be distributed to team members as an expression of gratitude and a record of the project's cultural history. there is precedent for this sort of thing:

this constitutes an alternative to financial compensation, but which still has emotional or social value.

run this script regularly, e.g. once a month, to celebrate the achievements of contributors.

development of this project should occur in its own repository and be opensourced so that other projects can use it. it's a bit like template websites, except this is a templated "employee of the month", except they aren't employees, and the template is much more expressive and meaningful because it excerpts the actual achievements of the team.

imagine printing all the git commits that happened in a particular month, at 4 point font, and putting it all on a poster. something like that.