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in the spreadsheet UI, make the top left cell non-meaningful to the system #124

Open mengwong opened 8 years ago

mengwong commented 8 years ago

by default, when an end-user opens a spreadsheet, the cursor is placed on the top left cell.

in some sheets, the top left cell is meaningful to the system: it contains a keyword like ENTITIES.

If a cat walks on the end-user's keyboard, that cell could easily get clobbered.

Make it so that all the sheets in Legalese Demo Master have a safe row, so that the actual content of the sheet begins below.

mengwong commented 8 years ago

alternatively, edit the Demo Master to set a Protected Range on A1 of every sheet …

maybe in future set Protected Range on every special header row.

The protected range should be "Can edit (with warnings)". That's probably enough.