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figure out a better way to track the agreement dates #132

Open jobchong opened 8 years ago

jobchong commented 8 years ago

From @mengwong on September 28, 2015 13:36

(TODAY vs the actual signed date in the spreadsheet.)

when a spreadsheet is actually signed, we should detect that using the appropriate signature-engine adapter, and record the new date into the spreadsheet.

Copied from original issue: legalese-io/legalese-google-app#5

jobchong commented 8 years ago

From @mengwong on September 28, 2015 13:39

there are two parts to this -- every agreement should have a unique variable name for its signing date. when an agreement is created, we should record that date as a provisional, right in the spreadsheet. when we notice that the e-signature system has recorded a signature complete state for the agreement, we promote the provisional to confirmed.

i think the way to do this is we create a _provisional extension to each whatever_agreement_date.

jobchong commented 8 years ago

From @mengwong on September 28, 2015 13:39

also think about amendments and restatements.