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Perceived Legitimacy Readiness - Minimum Viable Branding #158

Closed wabisabiyo closed 8 years ago

wabisabiyo commented 8 years ago Due 14 Jun 2016

Priorities: a) Website - @jobchong @virgil @cbas b) Logo - @alexis @mengwong c) Business Cards (with logo) - @alexis @mengwong d). email

Due to the limited time we have, I have pre-assigned you guys. If you can't do it, please let me know ASAP.

jobchong commented 8 years ago

I accept. Current version of website is using Bootstrap on GitHub Pages. Over the next week I will shift it to EC2 with Node and Express for signup forms. Note that this static site is branding only and only tangentially related to v2.

virgil commented 8 years ago

For business cards I recommend:

I can get you 10% discount from MyMetalBusinessCard.

virgil commented 8 years ago
wabisabiyo commented 8 years ago

@virgil what do you mean commissioned a logo? if this requires money from legalese, the protocols were not followed through with so it's not kosher.

i have gotten a working free logo from someone i met at the hostel (see pr branding channel) which i will throw in the pool for consideration.

virgil commented 8 years ago

Paying for it myself. Because I'm a nice chap.

wabisabiyo commented 8 years ago

Minimum viable branding for v2.1 fundraising:

see 10-slide pitchdeck for full details.