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register croissant trademark #170

Open mengwong opened 8 years ago

mengwong commented 8 years ago

register the croissant mark in singapore register the "legalese" word mark in singapore

about the brand

source images available in

mengwong commented 8 years ago

have commissioned a custom version of the mark from Huerta. Wait for them to deliver it, then register the display size in SG, which under Madrid should then be enforceable in the US so we can pick up legalese and other twitter handles.

mengwong commented 7 years ago

i think this restates #166

mengwong commented 7 years ago

i have redrawn the trademark to be rotationally symmetrical, and uploaded the art to and to

TIMECLOCK: 4 hours # for the initial design TIMECLOCK: 4 hours # for discussion with Huerta along the way TIMECLOCK: 2 hours # for the redesign

mengwong commented 7 years ago

lively discussion on Slack begins at