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update - blog especially #174

Closed wabisabiyo closed 7 years ago

wabisabiyo commented 8 years ago

mengwong [4:10 PM]
alexis: before our website goes live, can you please update the blog to be correct?

the roadmap versioning in the box at the bottom should say v1 is concierge MVP, and v2 is user-friendly and fully automated

v3 onwards will move toward the DSL

if we are going to do a feature comparison matrix we should include a larger number of the other players.


if it is too much work to do this, you could just delete that article, because it looks more like a placeholder / test entry

alexis [4:13 PM]
okay will file an issue on this.

new messages mengwong [4:13 PM]
we will need to get all the pages on the new site cleaned up before we cut over.

we should also get the existing blog (which has one post, lol) copied over to the new blog.

virgil commented 7 years ago
