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create roles and circles "org chart" #198

Closed mengwong closed 7 years ago

mengwong commented 7 years ago

in response from request by potential investor "who does what, show us your org chart"

  1. find out if there exist open/free alternatives to glassfrog
  2. maybe express our roles and circles in a spreadsheet
  3. think about how to abstract the general case (all startups) from our case (legalese)

motivation for 3:

initial work behind item 2 may be

remember: separate role from soul

chiahli commented 7 years ago

I would like us to consider using the valve model Valve_Handbook_LowRes.pdf

for example: "Team leads Often, someone will emerge as the “lead” for a project. This person’s role is not a traditional managerial one. Most often, they’re primarily a clearinghouse of information. They’re keeping the whole project in their head at once so that people can use them as a resource to check decisions against. The leads serve the team, while acting as centers for the teams."

chiahli commented 7 years ago

Another example could be: “T-shaped” people. That is, people who are both generalists (highly skilled at a broad set of valuable things—the top of the T) and also experts (among the best in their field within a narrow discipline—the vertical leg of the T).

We could list our skills/expert areas so that the team members know who to tap on. And also we could list the areas where we wish to broaden our skills to.

virgil commented 7 years ago

virgil commented 7 years ago

If we are showing our GlassFrog to seedplus, I am presuming this ticket is satisfied and can be closed.