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expose logging to the end-user #221

Open mengwong opened 7 years ago

mengwong commented 7 years ago

it would be nice to have a mechanism for the google apps javascript to log to a user-visible spreadsheet. right now if the user wants to view execution logs they have to go to tools / script editor which is a bit technical. if we could create a LOGGING sheet in the spreadsheet they could be hinted to go look in that sheet instead.

chiahli commented 7 years ago

lol i think if the end user is someone who is able to understand the execution logs, they should have no problem with the technical process of going to tools / script editor.

wtf commented 7 years ago

It would be quite useful to allow the user to adjust the module-specific log levels from the Logging sheet itself. Furthermore, our default log level is hard coded to 6, but while debugging sometimes 7 makes more sense. So, we should allow the Logging sheet to specify the default log level as well.

For the above, we should add a CONFIGURATION section to the Logging sheet, and the next section could be called LOGGING OUTPUT.