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PDF generated from full-time-contract-3-months template has spacing and formatting issues #239

Closed wabisabiyo closed 7 years ago

wabisabiyo commented 7 years ago

Thought it was the white spaces (which I know shouldn't be factored in) but can't see why the formatting shows up weirdly. Maybe it's something I'm not getting with Indesign formats.

What the main headers and sub-headers are should be apparent from the XML, but it's not showing up cleanly on the PDF.

Want to hopefully resolve this by today so we can generate the contract properly

mengwong commented 7 years ago

it would be nice to get support for partytype being "director[0],director[1]" which means we want the first two directors. how do we do that? see templates.js circa line 200

wabisabiyo commented 7 years ago

@mengwong: I need help. the inc_enumerate signatures script should result in the signature block being executed by the parties (company and contractor). Currently it reads: executed by... contractor [signature block]

directors [signature block for dir 1] [signature block for dir 2]

What I need for the contract, on the company end, is for it to say that it is signed by 2 directors for the company, rather than it simply listing the 2 directors as signatories without reference to the company (reason being: the directors are not parties to the contract, they are only the people executing the contract on behalf of the company).

jobchong commented 7 years ago

5c5026c727a94d7ffa3fc3ff24e8c19ac90a4fc5 adds functionality for custom headers without pluralisation. Documented at