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write workflow engine to manage explicit dependencies #39

Open mengwong opened 8 years ago

mengwong commented 8 years ago

Often, document B cannot be signed until document A is signed.

Write code to handle the automatic management of this situation.

The code needs to know when document A has been signed, and automatically produce (with the current date) document B.

The code that checks when a document has been signed should also log the date into the spreadsheet.

This was motivated by Voost around Oct 2015 needing the allotment letters to be dated after the members resolutions and prerequisite contracts were executed.

mengwong commented 8 years ago

now re-motivated by Fynd.

mengwong commented 8 years ago

hm, there will be implications for the Concatenate PDFs feature – see line 412 of LegaleseSignature.js. We can only concatenate PDFs whose requirements are all satisfied at the time of concatenation.

mengwong commented 8 years ago

drafted a template visual grammar –

mengwong commented 8 years ago

improved the visual grammar, done by hand for Fynd:

chiahli commented 8 years ago

I really like the visual grammar! I am guessing from the sheet that the red bit is probably what's holding up the closing of the round.