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Answer queries from Luwak Coffee Global #96

Closed wabisabiyo closed 8 years ago

wabisabiyo commented 8 years ago

Virgil Griffith to Active team

27 Mar I've got a new client for us! She makes coffee.

She is looking for:

  1. Sale Agreement (not distributorship)
  2. Distributorship Agreement
  3. Confidentiality Agreement With Suppliers
  4. Employment Contract
  5. Memorandum/Constitution/AA (for our own company)

Company details are attached. How many of these can we do?


---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Peiling Si Date: Sunday, 27 March 2016 Subject: Luwak Coffee Global Biz File To:


Find attached the biz file for Luwak Coffee Global Pte. Ltd.

Do take note that we will be making amendments to our Board in the near future.

Regards, Ling

… Luwak Global Business Profile (Jan 2016) PDF

me to Virgil, Active team 27 Mar 1 and 2 are too specialised. If we wanted to go all the way, I'd say 3 - 5. But if we stick to existing functionalities I'd say only 5 (assuming that 4 refers to a regular employment agmt and not an ESOP).

My first question however, is why she claims to need a Memorandom/Constitution/AA if the company's already incorporated. Does she mean an amendment of that? This is the problem identification issue of customers thinking they have done X, and therefore only need Y, when really, they have only done (X minus something; or A) and need Z to get the outcome they think Y will achieve.

I can follow up on this once everyone's had a chance to comment over the next 24 hours.

Alexis Natalie Chun Jie Shi …

wabisabiyo commented 8 years ago

Resolved - email followed up and replied to. Waiting on response.