I use data,
In the case that you cannot simply use the URL of the pdf, you can pass in raw data as a Uint8Array object. The data attribute takes a scope variable as its argument.
$scope.data = null; // this is loaded async
$http.get("http://example.com/file.pdf", {
responseType: 'arraybuffer'
}).then(function (response) {
$scope.data = new Uint8Array(response.data);
$scope.data have database,but i use <pdfjs-viewer data="$ctrl.data"></pdfjs-viewer> in html,not pdf view ,Prompt: "no resource to load, early way out". I need your help, thank you.
I use data, In the case that you cannot simply use the URL of the pdf, you can pass in raw data as a Uint8Array object. The data attribute takes a scope variable as its argument.
have database,but i use<pdfjs-viewer data="$ctrl.data"></pdfjs-viewer>
in html,not pdf view ,Prompt: "no resource to load, early way out". I need your help, thank you.