legege / searchwp

Firefox Add-on: Find what you seek faster, using jump-to-word buttons and rich highlighting.
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Compatibility with Firefox Quantum #113

Open mix359 opened 6 years ago

mix359 commented 6 years ago

With the release of Firefox Quantum (> 57.x) this fantastic extension could not be used anymore. I use it from many years, and would be a shame not relying on it :( Please, make it compatible! Thanks

Ede123 commented 6 years ago

I'm afraid I can only repeat what I already wrote elsewhere:

I'd love to support Firefox 57 (with all my extensions) but

1) Webextensions are just too limited. You simply can't do anything useful with them until somebody adds an API just for you. It already starts with the most basic functionality of SearchWP: there does not seem to be a way to modify the search bar.

2) Mozilla ruthlessly breaking all existing extensions on purpose and removing customization possibilities with every new version of Firefox made me loose trust in the foundation and the browser itself - I'm not willing to spend my spare time on a project that has set a course that goes against everything Firefox once stood for.

DavidGP commented 6 years ago

Hi @all,

because SearchWP is a totally indispensable add-on to me, and one of the greatest FF addons of all time anyway in my opinion, I have switched to the PaleMoon browser, where SearchWP continues to work beautifully (as about 20 other of my add-ons of the "old add-on type" :)

With Mozilla basically offering a clone of Google Chrome in the future (design- and functionality-wise), there is really no point in staying with Firefox any longer.

CrHasher commented 6 years ago

@Ede123 I'm very sad to see Firefox go on the same road as Chrome. Add-on's were the main reason I stayed with FF and never managed to stick with Chrome no matter how many times I installed and tried to get used to it. This SearchWP add-on was the no.1 add-on that kept me from transitioning to Chrome. Now that it's broken I have no more reasons to use FF. Is it faster? Yes. Is it easier to use? Not for me, it's lacking the very nice add-ons that made it unique. Only 30% of all add-ons I used work in the new Quantum realm. Sad day Mozilla!

DavidGP commented 6 years ago

Honestly, I will switch to whatever browser first comes with a usable replacement for SearchWP. So far there is none, so I'll stick with the Pale Moon browser. @Ede123, keep up the great work.

BMWBig6 commented 6 years ago

This has been my #1 productivity add-on for many years, and I already miss it so much. I'm willing to pay for or subsidize a compatible replacement, so I hope the author reconsiders making a compatible update (for all of the loyal fans) even if it requires adding a separate search bar to the browser window because FF won't let you modify theirs. I could care less about the other 30 add-ons and extensions, but this one is worth reviving!

DavidGP commented 6 years ago

My home laptop has forced the Firefox Quantum update upon me, and now I feel amputated when I see my Google search terms in the Firefox search bar but THEY ARE NOT CLICKABLE and NOT HIGHLIGHTED on the page!

What is the use of doing a Google (or eBay, or Amazon etc.) search, and then having to start all over again by hand to find the same keywords on the search results pages?

I honestly can't imagine how mankind is going to make it without SearchWP.

And yes, I am also very much prepared to donate SUBSTANTIALLY for a replacement.

Eckieck commented 6 years ago

I am still hoping :)

DavidGP commented 6 years ago

I shall donate in the large double-digit to small three-digit range for SearchWP functionality in FF Quantum.

BMWBig6 commented 6 years ago

I shall donate in the large double-digit to small three-digit range for SearchWP functionality in FF Quantum.

Me too, as long as it won't be broken with each iterative minor FF update. (Compatibility work for major FF updates certainly warrants additional investment and compensation.)

DavidGP commented 6 years ago

OK. I am literally amputated without SearchWP. I can't for the life of me figure out how this functionality is not included into the Firefox Search Box by default; and that the below is all FF Quantum offers me when clicking on the search terms in the Search Box:


I am prepared to donate $ 666.00 for the development of a long-term Firefox Quantum compatible version of SearchWP, be it as an add-on, or as a code contribution that makes it into Firefox.

beccare commented 6 years ago

As an alternative, I tried to fabricate my very first Firefox extension FindOnPage Bookmarklets: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/findonpage-bookmarklets

The idea is: while on any Google search result page, buttons for keywords are created in the bookmarks toolbar. Those can highlight text on any other page - until you visit the next search result page which will replace the buttons.

Let's discuss it over here: https://github.com/beccare/findonpagebookmarklets

geier22 commented 6 years ago

First thank you for your effort! I tested your new addon "findonpage-bookmarklets". There is at least one way to replace SerchWP. Unfortunately, I need the toolbar for a part of my bookmarks. Therefore the question, if it is possible to create your own toolbar. It works fine, but the search terms are not deleted at the moment. That seems to be a bug. Either it happens automatically or there should be a reset option

David-Maisonave commented 5 years ago

I use this extension everyday with Waterfox browser. You can download Waterfox using the following link: https://www.waterfox.net/

With the release of Firefox Quantum (> 57.x) this fantastic extension could not be used anymore. I use it from many years, and would be a shame not relying on it :( Please, make it compatible! Thanks

With the release of Firefox Quantum (> 57.x) this fantastic extension could not be used anymore. I use it from many years, and would be a shame not relying on it :( Please, make it compatible! Thanks

With the release of Firefox Quantum (> 57.x) this fantastic extension could not be used anymore. I use it from many years, and would be a shame not relying on it :( Please, make it compatible! Thanks

DavidGP commented 3 years ago

After years of searching in vain, I finally found a usable/viable replacement for SearchWP:

Isear by intelfike

Works absolutely fantastic, you just have to make the jump-to-word buttons visible by clicking on the extension's icon. However, highlighting of the search terms on subsequently opened search result pages occurs even without this.

Please everyone, get in touch with the creator of this plugin and motivate him to further development and maintenance of the plugin! A translation of the search options into other languages would also be helpful.

ator-dev commented 1 year ago

I am the developer of Mark My Search, an add-on I believe to be the closest alternative to SearchWP. Though I never had the pleasure of using it, I'm developing it for comparable power and ease of use while iterating on its excellent ideas based on modern extension APIs. Since it relies on standard and stable browser technologies, it should be supported well into the future and at most require small changes over time.

Naturally, the best version is on Firefox:

Links to other stores just in case:

I'm posting it here partly because I've had a lot of difficulty getting visibility for the add-on, and would like more people to benefit from my work on it. Please contact me if you have any problems or queries, and hope you enjoy (:



I'm building it fully Free and Open Source on GitHub.

Feature summary

Although it's no longer possible to integrate keyword boxes into the search bar, I have designed an always-on (but hideable) toolbar allowing for creating, editing, and jumping to search keywords, as well as changing how they are matched or even converting them to regular expression. 7 configurable colours are used by default, with striped patterns appearing past that limit; keywords appear grey if they do not occur, and the number of matches can be found by hovering with the mouse.

In addition to highlighting all occurrences, shortcuts can be used to jump between blocks of them - globally or individually - while their positions are shown via scrollbar markers. Unlike all of the major browsers, highlights and markers update dynamically as the page changes. The extension can be configured to show/hide highlights by default and has many other customisations, including excluding specific sites and storing keyword lists (in development).

Each keyword may be individually modified via a dropdown to match case-insensitively, whole words only, stemmed (partial) forms, diacritics-insensitively, and as a regular expression. Naturally all such navigation and editing can be performed by mouse or keyboard.

And, of course, the extension activates on any searched keywords - regardless of the search engine - carrying highlighting into any visited pages. Activation can be performed manually via Alt+Shift+M.