legend-exp / reboost

LEGEND Monte-Carlo simulation post-processing
GNU General Public License v3.0
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`reboost-hpge` needed features #6

Open tdixon97 opened 3 weeks ago

tdixon97 commented 3 weeks ago

For a first basic (but complete) HPGe simulation we need the following features:

hit tier

HPGe dead layer model

Run grouping

[!NOTE] this could probably also be done in the evt tier or elsewhere, need some general solution.

  • [x] possibility to read multiple files
  • [x] just read n evtids I think the code should be do this as early as possible but maybe should be flexible (any tier can read just n rows).

Energy response / other heuristics

$$ x^{\text{new}}_i = f(\overbrace{\vec{x_i}}^{\text{other vars.}}, \theta) \rightarrow x^{\text{new}}_i \sim p(x,\vec{x_i}, \theta) $$

Where p is some PDF.

HPGe usability

Should this come in the hit part of the code or in evt, current L-200 simflow puts it in evt but I think it makes more sense in hit so that the hit tier sims are already directly comparable to hit tier data.

evt tier

tdixon97 commented 3 weeks ago

From discussion with @gipert about evt tier.

tdixon97 commented 2 weeks ago
